Graphic art (from the ancient Greek γραφική [τέχνη] graphiké [téchne], "drawing/painting [art]") is in the broadest sense the collective term for all artistic or technical drawings, including typography and computer graphics, as well as their manual printing reproduction.
In the narrowest use of the term, graphics refers solely to artistic prints, which are part of the fine arts. An original graphic is created independently, independent of templates and with the intention of using the techniques of printmaking for artistic expression. The single copy of the reproduction of an artistic graphic is called a print or sheet.
Baby Girl Elephant
Elephants (Elephantidae) are a family from the order of proboscideans. The family represents the largest currently living land animals and also includes the only representatives of the order group still living today. Three recent species are distinguished: the African elephant, which inhabits the largely open landscapes of sub-Saharan Africa; the forest elephant, also native to Africa but largely restricted to tropical rainforests; and the Asian elephant, found in southern and southeastern Asia, which uses a variety of landscapes. All elephants are distinguished by their trunk, a muscular organ formed by the fusion of the nose with the upper lip, and by their tusks formed from the upper incisors. Other striking features are found in the massive physique with columnar legs and the gray, sparsely hairy skin.Elephants are social animals, living in family groups of female individuals and their offspring. They roam more or less large action areas in search of food. The size of the action areas and the extent of the migratory movements depend on local conditions such as the landscape used and the resulting food supply. Males, on the other hand, either live solitary lives or form into bachelor groups. Communication among themselves, both within and between the various family groups, takes place in several ways. These include odors, which are conveyed via feces, urine, and glandular secretions, tactile contacts with the proboscis, among other things, various body gestures, and a rich vocalization, in which variable rumbling sounds in the low frequency range are to be emphasized.Elephants played a significant role in human social development and history. They were initially hunted or used as a food resource and source of raw materials, found their way into art and culture more than 30,000 years ago, and also gained great importance in later times with the settling down and the emergence of various advanced civilizations. Only the Asian elephant entered as a tamed animal permanently in the service of man. It functioned at first as a beast of burden and work animal, later it was used in wars and was regarded as a sign of extraordinary size and power.Product Number: CS00838Product Name: little-baby-girl1 Design5 FilesThe following formats are included in the file you will receive: .AI .SVG .DXF .EPS .PNGLittle Baby Girl Elephant SVG Design, Children Saying CAD File, Forest Elephant, Asian Elephant, African Elephant, Big Animals SVG File For Cricut, Elephantidae, Sign Of Extraordinary Size And Power, Arts And Crafts, Largest Animals, Laser Cut FIles, Vinyl Cutter Images, Cricut File Format, Cuttable Designs, SVG Shirts Design, Silhouette Files, Vector Graphics, Clip Art
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
The domestic cat (Felis catus) is the pet form of the dun cat. It is one of the most popular pets. In pedigree cat breeding often only those animals are called domestic cat, which do not belong to any recognized cat breed. The dun cat is the wild ancestral form (wild form) of the domestic cat (Felis catus). As a pet or domestic animal, the domestic cat is found worldwide in almost all areas populated by humans. It can live as a wild or feral animal but only in climatically warm or temperate zones independent of subsidiary human influences. It is considered a cultural successor. Even in the biogeographically long isolated habitats of Australia and New Zealand, to which it was introduced by humans, it was able to adapt relatively quickly, but there, together with a variety of other neozoa, it influences the existing unique ecosystems. It is currently estimated (2012-2014) that there are 8.4 million domestic cats in Germany, 27.4 million throughout Central and Western Europe, and more than one billion worldwide (including feral and semi-feral populations). Cats are the better people ;) Product Number: CS00752Product Name: cat-sketch-21 Design5 FilesThe following formats are included in the file you will receive: .AI .SVG .DXF .EPS .PNGCat Drawing Art SVG Design, Animals CAD File, Felis Catus, Pets SVG File For Cricut, Domestic Animals, Arts And Crafts, Laser Cut FIles, Vinyl Cutter Images, Cricut File Format, Cuttable Designs, SVG Shirts Design, Silhouette Files, Vector Graphics, Clip Art
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
The domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is a domestic animal and is kept as a pet and farm animal. Its wild ancestral form is the wolf, to which it is assigned as a subspecies. When domestication occurred is disputed; scientific estimates vary from about 15,000 BCE to 100,000 years ago. In a narrower sense, a domestic dog is one that is kept predominantly indoors, and thus denotes a type of husbandry. Historically, a dog kept to guard the house was called a domestic dog. Another use of the term is to restrict it to socialized (domestic) dogs, that is, dogs that are accustomed to and adapted to living with people in human society. This differentiates the domestic dog from wild, feral, or stray dogs, which are also domesticated but not socialized. The dingo is also a domestic dog, but is provisionally listed as an independent subspecies of the wolf. The common Germanic. Pet name *hunða- (mhd., ahd. hunt) goes back to idg. k̑úu̯ō(n), gen. k̑unós "dog" and is thus related to synonymous Latin canis.Product Number: CS00751Product Name: FunnyDog-41 Design5 FilesThe following formats are included in the file you will receive: .AI .SVG .DXF .EPS .PNGDog Drawing Art SVG Design, CAD File, Animals SVG File For Cricut, Farm Animals Arts And Crafts, Canis Lupus Familiaris, Puppy Laser Cut FIles, Pets Vinyl Cutter Images, Cricut File Format, Cuttable Designs, SVG Shirts Design, Silhouette Files, Vector Graphics, Clip Art
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Product Number: CS00753Product Name: sunshine1 Design5 FilesThe following formats are included in the file you will receive: .AI .SVG .DXF .EPS .PNGSun Sunshine SVG Design, CAD File, SVG File For Cricut, Arts And Crafts, Laser Cut FIles, Vinyl Cutter Images, Cricut File Format, Cuttable Designs, SVG Shirts Design, Silhouette Files, Vector Graphics, Clip Art Images, Beautiful Designs For Cutting Machines
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Soccer Player Drawing Art
Soccer is a ball sport in which two teams compete against each other with the goal of scoring more goals than their opponents to win the game. The game is usually played for two 45-minute periods, plus overtime and, if necessary, extra time and/or penalties. A team usually consists of eleven players, one of whom is the goalkeeper. The ball may be played with the whole body except the arms and hands; it is mainly kicked with the foot. Only the goalkeeper (inside his own penalty area) - or the field players when taking a throw-in - may touch the ball with their hands.The success of soccer is based, firstly, on its simplicity. The cost of resources and equipment is relatively low (see, for example, street soccer), which has made it very popular in many developing countries, and it is easy for newcomers and spectators to understand or even take for granted. Secondly, the number of goals is relatively low, which increases the value of a goal and makes the games more exciting, since superior or better-placed teams do not win as often or can be determined as winners early on as in other ball sports.However, these special features have been counteracted in recent times by more complicated regulations (including changes to the offside rule) and ever greater (technical) expense in top-level soccer (including video evidence), which are intended to lead to "fairer" soccer.Soccer originated in Great Britain in the second half of the 19th century and spread to continental Europe and other continents from the 1880s and 1890s. It is considered the world's most popular team sport. Unlike other sports (such as handball), top clubs in soccer usually developed only in large cities, which can boast the very elaborate infrastructure with recently increasing demands. Product Number: CS00836Product Name: soccer-player1 Design5 FilesThe following formats are included in the file you will receive: .AI .SVG .DXF .EPS .PNGSoccer Player Drawing Art SVG Design, Team Sport CAD File, Soccer Sport SVG File For Cricut, Goalkeeper Arts And Crafts, Soccer Ball Laser Cut FIles, Sport Vinyl Cutter Images, Cricut File Format, The Soccer Game Cuttable Designs, SVG Shirts Design, Silhouette Files, Vector Graphics, Clip Art
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Bird Parrot Sketch Art
In the systematics of birds, parrots correspond to the order Psittaciformes (parrots). The systematics of parrots is undergoing major changes due to new phylogenetic studies. Traditionally, however, parrots are divided into two families, namely the cockatoos and the parrots proper. Common to all parrots is the upright posture and the strong beak. They feed on seeds, berries, fruits, flowers and buds as well as roots. Many species also eat insects and their larvae. Some species occur in large swarms.Birds are - according to traditional taxonomy - a class of vertebrates whose representatives have as common features, among others, wings, a body covering consisting of feathers and a beak. Birds live on all continents. To date, over 10,758 extant recent bird species are known, with an additional 158 species extinct in historical times. Using the more modern phylogenetic species concept, we arrive at about 18,000 (15,845 to 20,470) bird species, and genetic data also suggest a roughly doubled number of bird species. The science of birds is ornithology.Birds, like all terrestrial vertebrates (Tetrapoda), have two pairs of extremities, the front ones of which are transformed into wings in birds. The plumage essentially determines the external overall appearance of birds: the body is covered with feathers. These structures made of keratin serve as a wing and control surface when flying, an aerodynamically favorable covering of the body and as insulation, which can even be changed, usually depending on temperature and wind.Product Number: CS00738Product Name: large-parrot-sketch1 Design5 FilesThe following formats are included in the file you will receive: .AI .SVG .DXF .EPS .PNGLarge Parrot Sketch Bird SVG Design, Birdie CAD File, Wings SVG File For Cricut, Arts And Crafts, Feathers Laser Cut FIles, Vinyl Cutter Images, Cricut File Format, Cuttable Designs, SVG Shirts Design, Silhouette Files, Vector Graphics, Clip Art
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
A Star Is Born
A star (ancient Greek ἀστήρ, ἄστρον astēr, astron and Latin aster, astrum, stella, sidus for 'star, star'; ahd. sterno; astronomical symbol: ✱) is a massive, self-luminous celestial body made of very hot gas and plasma, such as the sun. In addition, a planet in our solar system that is illuminated by the sun is commonly called a star, such as the evening star, although it is not a star like the sun. A star like the sun emits not only light but also radiation in the extreme ultraviolet range (false color representation of the sun's emission at 30 nm). That almost all self-luminous celestial bodies visible to the naked eye are Sun-like objects that appear point-like only because of their far distance is one of the most important findings of modern astronomy. About three-quarters of stars are part of a binary or multiple star system, and many have a planetary system. Stars formed together more often form star clusters. Under favorable conditions, several thousand stars can be distinguished by unaided vision. They all belong to the same galaxy as the Sun, to the Milky Way, which consists of more than a hundred billion stars. This galaxy belongs together with its neighboring galaxies to the Local Group, one of thousands and thousands of galaxy clusters. Stars are formed from gas clouds - in certain regions (H-II region) from gaseous molecular clouds - by local strong compression in several phases. They are held together by the gravity of their own mass and are therefore approximately spherical. While a star's interior is several million degrees hot (in the case of the Sun's core just under 16,000,000 Kelvin), the surface temperature of most of them is about between 2,000 K and 20,000 K (in the case of the Sun's photosphere just under 6,000 K); white dwarfs, as exposed stellar cores, can reach temperatures of up to 100,000 K at their surface. Not only does intense radiation such as light emanate from the glowing stellar surface, but also a stream of charged plasma particles (stellar wind) travels far into space, forming an astrosphere. Stars can differ considerably in mass and volume, as well as in luminosity and color; in the course of a star's evolution these properties change. An orienting classification of stars becomes possible with the two characteristics absolute brightness and spectral type alone. The properties of stars are also of importance in the question whether a planet orbiting them could carry life or not (see habitable zone). Product Number: CS00522Product Name: AStarIsBorn1 Design5 FilesThe following formats are included in the file you will receive: .AI .SVG .DXF .EPS .PNGA Star Is Born Saying SVG Design, CAD File, Stars Space SVG File For Cricut, Stella Arts And Crafts, Astronomical Symbols Laser Cut FIles, Vinyl Cutter Images, Cricut File Format, Cuttable Designs, SVG Shirts Design, Silhouette Files, Vector Graphics, Clip Art Images, Beautiful Designs For Cutting Machines
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Baby Pregnancy Drawing
An infant or baby is a child in the first year of life. After birth, a young human is naturally nourished with mother's milk, through breastfeeding or suckling at the female breast. Similar to the offspring of other mammals, the human infant is competent for this form of feeding through innate reflexes such as the search reflex and the sucking reflex. They also enable the ingestion of liquid food by sucking on a baby bottle and thus feeding with breast milk substitutes when the infant is not breastfed.During the first four weeks, a child is also called a newborn. After completion of the first year of life, the toddler age follows. The human infant, like that of other primates, is a gestational carrier. In the first year of life there are typical developmental phases, the temporal spread of which increases with age. Temporary differences in development are common and may well be compensated for. After three to five months, a healthy infant has doubled its birth weight and grown about 15 centimeters. At the end of the first year of life, the child weighs about ten kilograms, which is about three times its birth weight, and is about 75 centimeters tall. The older a child is, the greater the range for what can be considered normal in terms of weight and height. The head-to-torso ratio in infants is about 1 to 4, while in adults it is 1 to 8. This type of growth, which includes a change in proportion, is called allometric growth. The period between conception and the second birthday are of particular importance for development over the entire lifespan, as central foundations for health, growth and neuronal development are laid during this time.Product Number: CS00833Product Name: baby-II1 Design5 FilesThe following formats are included in the file you will receive: .AI .SVG .DXF .EPS .PNGBaby Drawing SVG Design, Child CAD File, Infant SVG File For Cricut, Arts And Crafts, Kid Laser Cut FIles, Vinyl Cutter Images, Cricut File Format, Cuttable Designs, SVG Shirts Design, Silhouette Files, Vector Graphics, Clip Art
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Heart Bow
The heart (Latin Cor, Greek Kardia, καρδία, or Latinized Cardia) is a muscular hollow organ (hollow muscle) found in various animal groups, which pumps blood or hemolymph through the body with contractions and thus ensures the supply of all organs. Higher developed hearts, for example in the vertebrates, work like a positive displacement pump, in that fluid (blood) is drawn in valve-controlled from blood vessels (in mammals hollow or pulmonary veins) and is expelled through other blood vessels (in mammals truncus pulmonalis or aorta). The study of the structure, function and diseases of the heart is cardiology. Life without a heart is not possible for higher animals and humans, but artificial hearts can now compensate for the loss of natural functions within certain limits. The heart is one of the first organs created during embryonic development. Human and mammalian hearts have four cardiac cavities: two atria (atria) and two ventricles (ventricles). In Roman architecture, the atrium was the inner court or anteroom of a dwelling house. A ventricle in Latin (ventriculus) is a "little belly"; venter is the stomach or abdomen. It is linguistically incorrect for cardiologists to speak of the four-chamber view, the four-chamber plane, and the three-chamber view or the three-chamber pacemaker. In English, however, a four-chambered heart has two ventricles; a ventricle is one of two large chambers. Thus, when translated, chamber (= chamber, Latin camera) is either a ventricle or a cavity of the heart (Latin cavum cordis). A dual-chamber pacemaker stimulates one atrium and the associated chamber, but not both ventricles. Product Number: CS00832Product Name: heart-61 Design5 FilesThe following formats are included in the file you will receive: .AI .SVG .DXF .EPS .PNGHeart Bow SVG Design, CAD File, Love Loop Heart SVG File For Cricut, Hearts Arts And Crafts, Laser Cut FIles, Vinyl Cutter Images, Cricut File Format, Cuttable Designs, SVG Shirts Design, Silhouette Files, Vector Graphics, Clip Art Images, Beautiful Designs For Cutting Machines
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Baby Elephant Drawing
Elephants (Elephantidae) are a family from the order of proboscideans. The family represents the largest currently living land animals and also includes the only representatives of the order group still living today. Three recent species are distinguished: the African elephant, which inhabits the largely open landscapes of sub-Saharan Africa; the forest elephant, also native to Africa but largely restricted to tropical rainforests; and the Asian elephant, found in southern and southeastern Asia, which uses a variety of landscapes. All elephants are distinguished by their trunk, a muscular organ formed by the fusion of the nose with the upper lip, and by their tusks formed from the upper incisors. Other striking features are found in the massive physique with columnar legs and the gray, sparsely hairy skin.Elephants are social animals, living in family groups of female individuals and their offspring. They roam more or less large action areas in search of food. The size of the action areas and the extent of the migratory movements depend on local conditions such as the landscape used and the resulting food supply. Males, on the other hand, either live solitary lives or form into bachelor groups. Communication among themselves, both within and between the various family groups, takes place in several ways. These include odors, which are conveyed via feces, urine, and glandular secretions, tactile contacts with the proboscis, among other things, various body gestures, and a rich vocalization, in which variable rumbling sounds in the low frequency range are to be emphasized.Elephants played a significant role in human social development and history. They were initially hunted or used as a food resource and source of raw materials, found their way into art and culture more than 30,000 years ago, and also gained great importance in later times with the settling down and the emergence of various advanced civilizations. Only the Asian elephant entered as a tamed animal permanently in the service of man. It functioned at first as a beast of burden and work animal, later it was used in wars and was regarded as a sign of extraordinary size and power.Product Number: CS00797Product Name: baby-elephant1 Design5 FilesThe following formats are included in the file you will receive: .AI .SVG .DXF .EPS .PNGBaby Elephant Drawing SVG Design, CAD File, Forest Elephant, Asian Elephant, African Elephant, Big Animals SVG File For Cricut, Elephantidae, Sign Of Extraordinary Size And Power, Arts And Crafts, Largest Animals, Laser Cut FIles, Vinyl Cutter Images, Cricut File Format, Cuttable Designs, SVG Shirts Design, Silhouette Files, Vector Graphics, Clip Art
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Funny Dog With Stick
The domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is a domestic animal and is kept as a pet and farm animal. Its wild ancestral form is the wolf, to which it is assigned as a subspecies. When domestication occurred is disputed; scientific estimates vary from about 15,000 BCE to 100,000 years ago. In a narrower sense, a domestic dog is one that is kept predominantly indoors, and thus denotes a type of husbandry. Historically, a dog kept to guard the house was called a domestic dog. Another use of the term is to restrict it to socialized (domestic) dogs, that is, dogs that are accustomed to and adapted to living with people in human society. This differentiates the domestic dog from wild, feral, or stray dogs, which are also domesticated but not socialized. The dingo is also a domestic dog, but is provisionally listed as an independent subspecies of the wolf. The common Germanic. Pet name *hunða- (mhd., ahd. hunt) goes back to idg. k̑úu̯ō(n), gen. k̑unós "dog" and is thus related to synonymous Latin canis.Product Number: CS00769Product Name: funny-dog-81 Design5 FilesThe following formats are included in the file you will receive: .AI .SVG .DXF .EPS .PNGFunny Dogs With Stick SVG Design, CAD File, Animals SVG File For Cricut, Farm Animals Arts And Crafts, Canis Lupus Familiaris, Puppy Laser Cut FIles, Pets Vinyl Cutter Images, Cricut File Format, Cuttable Designs, SVG Shirts Design, Silhouette Files, Vector Graphics, Clip Art
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
A star (ancient Greek ἀστήρ, ἄστρον astēr, astron and Latin aster, astrum, stella, sidus for 'star, star'; ahd. sterno; astronomical symbol: ✱) is a massive, self-luminous celestial body made of very hot gas and plasma, such as the sun. In addition, a planet in our solar system that is illuminated by the sun is commonly called a star, such as the evening star, although it is not a star like the sun. A star like the sun emits not only light but also radiation in the extreme ultraviolet range (false color representation of the sun's emission at 30 nm). That almost all self-luminous celestial bodies visible to the naked eye are Sun-like objects that appear point-like only because of their far distance is one of the most important findings of modern astronomy. About three-quarters of stars are part of a binary or multiple star system, and many have a planetary system. Stars formed together more often form star clusters. Under favorable conditions, several thousand stars can be distinguished by unaided vision. They all belong to the same galaxy as the Sun, to the Milky Way, which consists of more than a hundred billion stars. This galaxy belongs together with its neighboring galaxies to the Local Group, one of thousands and thousands of galaxy clusters. Stars are formed from gas clouds - in certain regions (H-II region) from gaseous molecular clouds - by local strong compression in several phases. They are held together by the gravity of their own mass and are therefore approximately spherical. While a star's interior is several million degrees hot (in the case of the Sun's core just under 16,000,000 Kelvin), the surface temperature of most of them is about between 2,000 K and 20,000 K (in the case of the Sun's photosphere just under 6,000 K); white dwarfs, as exposed stellar cores, can reach temperatures of up to 100,000 K at their surface. Not only does intense radiation such as light emanate from the glowing stellar surface, but also a stream of charged plasma particles (stellar wind) travels far into space, forming an astrosphere. Stars can differ considerably in mass and volume, as well as in luminosity and color; in the course of a star's evolution these properties change. An orienting classification of stars becomes possible with the two characteristics absolute brightness and spectral type alone. The properties of stars are also of importance in the question whether a planet orbiting them could carry life or not (see habitable zone). Product Number: CS00523Product Name: Star1 Design5 FilesThe following formats are included in the file you will receive: .AI .SVG .DXF .EPS .PNGStar Saying SVG Design, CAD File, Stars Space SVG File For Cricut, Stella Arts And Crafts, Astronomical Symbols Laser Cut FIles, Vinyl Cutter Images, Cricut File Format, Cuttable Designs, SVG Shirts Design, Silhouette Files, Vector Graphics, Clip Art Images, Beautiful Designs For Cutting Machines
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)