A freebie or promotional item or promotional gift is an advertising medium that companies give away to customers and prospects for promotional purposes. Widely used classic promotional items are calendars, pens and lighters. The market ranges from inexpensive giveaways and gimmicks to high-quality branded articles.
Products often informally referred to as giveaways, promo products, swag, tchotchkes or freebies are used in marketing and sales. Promotional items are part of a company's merchandising.
When you buy a product that has a price, you can also buy Freebies. (For technical reasons Paypal does not allow a purchase with a total price of 0.00).
A crown (Latin corona 'the wreath') is a precious headdress of rulers, usually made of gold and precious stones. It is an expression of their power and dignity as well as a symbol and insignia of their rule over a particular people or territory. Therefore, "the crown" is also used as a synonym for a king or emperor endowed with state dignity.Prince and princess were the German language terms for non-ruling descendants of certain families (houses) of the high nobility. In Germany, princes and princesses were either descendants of royal houses or members of such ruling or sovereign houses that already held the title of prince at the time of the Holy Roman Empire or rose to princely houses after 1806 (see also differences: gender, house, family). If the latter were mediatized, princely houses, their descendants usually held the title of count or countess. The first-born prince was called hereditary prince, in ruling imperial and royal houses crown prince (compare primogeniture). Old France granted the title of prince to the highest nobility without distinction, but placed at its head the "princes by blood" (princes de sang royal) or the agnates of the royal house. The wife of the prince, according to her status, received the title of "princess" upon marriage and was treated accordingly to her husband in the event of inheritance. For presumptive heirs to the throne there were special titles according to their importance: Crown Prince, Hereditary Prince, Elector Prince. In addition, princes could fulfill special functions or hold a special status: Prince Regent, Prince Consort. The designation prince or princess is in the German language area - if at all permissible (differently in Austria) - no more nobility title, but name component.Product Number: CS00634Product Name: crown1 Design5 FilesThe following formats are included in the file you will receive: .AI .SVG .DXF .EPS .PNGCrown SVG, Precious Headdress Of Rulers, Princess SVG Design, CAD File, Prince SVG File For Cricut, Arts And Crafts, Crown Laser Cut FIles, Vinyl Cutter Images, Cricut File Format, Cuttable Designs, SVG Shirts Design, Silhouette Files, Vector Graphics, Clip Art
Flower Of Life
The Flower of Life is an ornament on a hexagonal section of a triangular grid. At each grid point, circles or arcs of circles intersect around the six neighboring grid points so that neighboring grid points are connected by lenses, ninety in number. At each inner grid point six lenses touch each other like petals, which suggested to modern esotericism (New Age) the name Flower of Life. There is no indication that the ornament would have been called so earlier. One of the oldest currently known representations of the basic structure as a repeating pattern is found on a 2.07×1.26 m doorstep from the palace of King Aššur-bāni-apli in Dur Šarrukin from 645 BC, which is now on display in the Assyrian section of the Louvre. Other specimens are on display in the British Museum. The ornamentation of the doorsteps was probably based on carpets laid out in the adjoining rooms; there is no evidence of any cultic or religious significance beyond this. In Europe, such ornaments are popular motifs from folk art of the 17th and 18th centuries. For example, in the parish church of Altenkirchen on the island of Rügen, the ornament is found painted as a star against the sky in the choir above the altar. Likewise, the beams of numerous half-timbered houses in the old town of Strasbourg are decorated with the ornament. A globe covered with this ornament is found under the paw of the male guardian lion at the Gate of Supreme Harmony to the Forbidden City in Beijing.Product Number: CS000631Product Name: rosette1 Design5 FilesThe following formats are included in the file you will receive: .AI .SVG .DXF .EPS .PNGThe Flower Of Life SVG Design, CAD File, Ornament SVG File For Cricut, Arts And Crafts, Symbols Laser Cut FIles, Hexagonal Vinyl Cutter Images, Grid Cricut File Format, Cuttable Designs, SVG Shirts Design, Silhouette Files, Vector Graphics, Clip Art
Dream Big
Dream or dreaming is the experience during sleep. The dream is thus a special form of consciousness. While the body is largely at rest, the dreamer can still experience moving scenes. After awakening, the dreamer can remember his dreams at least to some extent. Dreams are usually remembered as "sensory-vivid, hallucinatory" events and seem real at the time of the dream itself. The sleeper's accounts of his or her usually nocturnal experience provide the main access to the contents of consciousness - for example, feelings, scenes, experiences, sensations - experienced by the sleeper during the dream (1st-person perspective). Studies of the physical correlates of dreaming refer to sleep (3rd-person perspective). Physiological correlates, especially of the brain, are also examined. In psychological approaches to dream explanation, the two perspectives are preferably elaborated into a theoretical position. Dream interpretation is also called oneirology. Product Number: CS00632Product Name: DreamBig1 Design5 FilesThe following formats are included in the file you will receive: .AI .SVG .DXF .EPS .PNGDream Big Saying SVG Design, CAD File, Dreams SVG File For Cricut, Arts And Crafts, Laser Cut FIles, Vinyl Cutter Images, Cricut File Format, Cuttable Designs, SVG Shirts Design, Silhouette Files, Vector Graphics, Clip Art
Love Heart
Love is a term for the strongest affection and appreciation. According to a narrower and more widespread understanding, love is a strong feeling, with the attitude of intimate and deep attachment to a person (or group of persons), which exceeds the purpose or utility of an interpersonal relationship and is usually expressed by an accommodating active devotion to the other. The feeling of love can arise regardless of whether it is reciprocated or not. Product Number: CS00629Product Name: Heart1 Design5 FilesThe following formats are included in the file you will receive: .AI .SVG .DXF .EPS .PNGLove SVG Design, CAD File, Heart SVG File For Cricut, Arts And Crafts, Love Saying Laser Cut FIles, Vinyl Cutter Images, Cricut File Format, Cuttable Designs, SVG Shirts Design, Silhouette Files, Vector Graphics, Clip Art
This product is for the sole purpose of purchasing Freebies. Since PayPal does not accept an invoice of $0 and our shop then does not release the Freebies, we have created this item. You only need it if you do not purchase any other item in the shop.The price includes PayPal costs and currency fluctuations as well as the discount that is granted in the shop. At the end of the calculation you will have 50 cents on your bill.Put this item in the shopping cart and add the Freebies you want. Then you can complete the purchase as normal.All proceeds from this item, minus the PayPal cost, will be donated to Médecins Sans Frontières. You can buy the item more than once if you wish to support Médecins Sans Frontières. Médecins Sans Frontières says thank you when you purchase this item.The article was created as a digital article. The download is a PDF with this text from the article.Why are we doing this via a purchased product?Certainly, this could be solved differently. However, Bot's collect such Freebies and these are then sold as a collection on CDs. In our eyes, this is an enrichment and they have to do something good at least once by buying them. After all, it is not a high amount that is paid. And doing something good is not bad either.