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Nature (Latin natura from nasci "to come into being, to be born," Greek semantic equivalent φύσις, physis, cf. "physics") usually refers to that which was not created by man.

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The most important meanings of the concept of nature are the being in the whole, the cosmos (universe),  a part of reality contrasted with a non-natural realm - e.g. the divine, spiritual, cultural, artificial or technical, a property of reality or of a realm of reality, and the essence of an object.

One distinguishes between "animate nature" ("biotic", e.g. plants, animals) and "inanimate nature" ("abiotic", e.g. stones, liquids, gases). The terms "animate" and "inanimate", respectively, are closely connected with the conceptual definitions of "living beings" and "life", and are integrated into the context of philosophical or worldly views.

"Nature" belongs to that which remains and does not destroy itself. It is quite different with culture. Probably its technical, namely military potencies are capable of destroying itself and all earthly life at one stroke." – Gregor Schiemann