Imagination or fantasy refers to a creative ability of humans. Often the term is linked to the realm of the pictorial (memory images, imagination images), but it can also be related to linguistic and logical performances (ideas). In the narrower sense as imagination or imagination is meant by imagination above all the ability to generate ideas and thus an "inner world", especially inner images. The result of this creative power, the individual image of imagination, is also called phantasma. In contemporary usage, the term "phantasy" usually encompasses both the ability and the result of "fantasizing." Sometimes the term is also used pejoratively in the sense of a fiction or a figment of the imagination.
Creativity and fantasy in the sense of imagination are related because both involve thinking that is to some degree removed from reality. However, creativity is even more related to reality than imagination. Imagination can be seen as the ability to go beyond the objective world. Imagination can therefore enhance creativity, although creativity requires more than the ability to go beyond reality. Creativity also requires the criterion of appropriateness or usefulness.
Hippopotamus Elf Sketch
The hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius), also called the large hippopotamus, is a species of mammal in the hippopotamus family and the order of even-toed ungulates. Within the genus Hippopotamus, it is now considered the only member. After the elephants and next to some representatives of the rhinoceroses and the giraffes, it is one of the largest land-dwelling animals. Special characteristics are the large, barrel-shaped and largely hairless body, the short limbs and the massive head with a wide mouth, in which the incisors and especially the lower canine teeth are enlarged. As an adaptation to a partially aquatic lifestyle, the ears, eyes, and nostrils are located very high on the head. The range of the hippopotamus includes sub-Saharan Africa and is highly fragmented in places. The main habitats are open landscapes and forested areas, but it is largely absent from tropical rainforests. Product Number: CS00827Product Name: hippopotamus-elves1 Design5 FilesThe following formats are included in the file you will receive: .AI .SVG .DXF .EPS .PNGHippopotamus Elf Sketch SVG Design, Gnome CAD File, SVG File For Cricut, Arts And Crafts, Laser Cut FIles, Vinyl Cutter Images, Cricut File Format, Cuttable Designs, SVG Shirts Design, Silhouette Files, Vector Graphics, Clip Art Images, Beautiful Designs For Cutting Machines
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Monster Fictional Creatures
Monster is an expression for creatures, usually imaginary fantasy animals, which stand out by size, strength or even ugliness. Monster or monstrosity refers to an unnatural, usually ugly and frightening creature or deformity. In reference to actual living persons, monster also means abomination or unman. The term "monster" is derived from Latin monstrum "admonishing sign", as well as monstrare "to show" and monere, "to admonish, warn". In a narrower sense, it usually refers to a being that is misshapen in relation to a more ideal human being. His deformity finds its only purpose first in the reference to the measure - an ideal in physical as well as ideal respect. Monsters in this pictorial field could be animals, mythological hybrid beings, but certainly also "human beings", which were described as wonder-people. The term monster finds its way into common usage through literature. Monsters as fictional creatures have their origin mostly in the fantasy of humans or in nightmares and symbolize fears, which can be more easily processed personified in myths or fairy tales. In mythology, malformed humans (e.g., Cyclopes) and hybrid creatures are called monsters. They sometimes have animal bodies and animal heads (e.g. the griffin or dragon), animal bodies and human heads (e.g. the sphinx with a woman's head and a lioness's body or centaurs with a human upper body and a horse's body). In addition, there are also representations of animal-headed (theriokephalic) demons and even gods (especially in Egypt) with at least human-shaped legs. Product Number: CS00821Product Name: spaceship-monster-IV1 Design5 FilesThe following formats are included in the file you will receive: .AI .SVG .DXF .EPS .PNGMonster SVG Design, Monster Creatures CAD File, Imaginary Fantasy Animals SVG File For Cricut, Monstrosity Arts And Crafts, Ugly Monstrare Laser Cut FIles, Vinyl Cutter Images, Cricut File Format, Cuttable Designs, SVG Shirts Design, Silhouette Files, Vector Graphics, Clip Art Images, Beautiful Designs For Cutting Machines
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Cute Cat Martial Artist Sketch
Martial art is a technique to protect oneself from enemy attacks. The decisive factor here is not the actual practicality of the respective techniques, but their subjective conceptual utility in a specific application scenario. This can be, for example, a sports fight, a martial duel or a self-defense situation. Accordingly, overcoming the opponent can translate into, among other things, a points victory, eliminating the opponent's ability to attack, ensuring one's own physical integrity, or, in extreme cases, killing the opponent. Some fighting systems are based on or tolerate the use of weapons, particularly striking and thrusting weapons and certain projectile weapons. Commonly, systems that use weapons augmented beyond one's own physical strength (e.g., by chemicals, motors, compressed air, computer technology) do not count as martial arts/martial arts. Martial systems are a worldwide, very old, and extremely diversified phenomenon that can be divided into myriad cultural practices, which in turn include their own sister and daughter systems. Unlike classical sports, combat systems are often influenced by cultic religious practices, ritual or modern dances, and movement theater; in some cases, conversely, they are also elements of these practices. From ancient to modern times, fighting elements were an integral part of many team and ball sports, as in hurling and knappan: fighting and playing tended to be viewed as a unit until, in the long run, the modern understanding of sport developed as a result of civilization processes, and fighting elements were outsourced to separate disciplines. In some traditional as well as modern sports the mixing of games and fighting is still clearly visible. In most cases, the training of martial arts/combat sports takes the form of a combination of learning and practicing techniques and applying them in dynamic duels or codified fight choreographies. Elements of flexibility, strength and speed training are also common. Combat theory or philosophy discussions may also be part of the training. The degree of professionalization of combat systems varies greatly. Formal training takes place in commercial clubs, public clubs, private households, military and police institutions, schools of general education, therapeutic institutions, and even prisons. A few have a highly professional league system; many more have umbrella organizations or similar national and international organizational structures. Product Number: CS00807Product Name: martial-artist-cat1 Design5 FilesThe following formats are included in the file you will receive: .AI .SVG .DXF .EPS .PNGCute Cat Martial Artist Sketch, Martial Art SVG Design, CAD File, Technique To Protect Oneself SVG File For Cricut, Fighting Systems Arts And Crafts, Laser Cut FIles, Martial Philosophy Vinyl Cutter Images, Kung Fu Cricut File Format, Jeet Kune Do Cuttable Designs, SVG Shirts Design, Silhouette Files, Vector Graphics, Clip Art
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Cute Baby Turtle Sketch
The turtles (Testudinata, or Testudines, if the crown group is meant; formerly also Chelonia from Old Greek "turtle") are an order of the Sauropsida and first appeared more than 220 million years ago in the Carnian (Upper Triassic). In classical systematics, they are included in the creepy-crawlies and reptiles, respectively; these designations represent a taxon that is paraphyletic in its traditional range and therefore are now only informal collective terms.There are 341 species with over 200 subspecies. The turtles have adapted to a wide variety of biotopes and ecological niches. They range from Mediterranean land turtle species, gopher or desert tortoises and the particularly numerous, smaller aquatic turtle species in North America and Southeast Asia, to large river turtles in South America, giant tortoises on some island groups, soft-shelled turtles in Asia and snake-necked turtles in Australia, to the largest, the leatherback turtles, which form a separate family alongside the sea turtles. Turtles are cold-blooded, egg-laying reptiles. phylogenetically, they are close to basal diapsids such as Odontochelys semitestacea and Sinosaurosphargis yunguiensis. The adaptability of turtles has ensured their persistence into modern times. Due to human influences, however, many species are acutely endangered.Product Number: CS00808Product Name: baby-turtle-sketch1 Design5 FilesThe following formats are included in the file you will receive: .AI .SVG .DXF .EPS .PNGBaby Turtle Sketch, Turtle SVG Design, CAD File, Testudinata Reptiles SVG File For Cricut, Animals Arts And Crafts, Laser Cut FIles, Vinyl Cutter Images, Cricut File Format, Cuttable Designs, SVG Shirts Design, Silhouette Files, Vector Graphics, Clip Art Images, Beautiful Designs For Cutting Machines
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Cute Baby Dino Sketch
The dinosaurs (Dinosauria, from ancient Greek δεινός deinós, German 'terrible, formidable' and ancient Greek σαῦρος sauros, German 'lizard') are a group of terrestrial vertebrates that dominated continental ecosystems in the Earth's Middle Ages from the Upper Triassic about 235 million years ago to the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary about 66 million years ago. In classical systematics, dinosaurs are considered an extinct branch of reptiles, although they differ markedly in morphology from recent, or present-day, reptiles and are not particularly closely related to most recent reptiles, especially lizards and snakes.From a cladistic point of view, which is the scientific standard today, both the sauropsids (sometimes alternatively referred to as reptiles altogether) and the dinosaurs include the birds that evolved from small theropod dinosaurs. Thus, not all dinosaurs became extinct during the mass extinction at the end of the Earth's Middle Ages, but with the birds a special evolutionary lineage of dinosaurs survived to the present day. This lineage proved to be extraordinarily adaptable and successful: birds make up about a third of all recent terrestrial vertebrate species, are represented in all terrestrial ecosystems, and also feature a group, the penguins, that is strongly adapted to life in and around water.However, in zoology, which deals primarily with recent animals, and especially in ornithology, birds are still usually considered a class in their own right rather than dinosaurs or reptiles. The same is true in common usage. Even in modern vertebrate paleontology, an informal separation of birds and dinosaurs in the classical sense is common. The latter are also referred to as non-avian dinosaurs, in keeping with the cladistic view. Knowledge of dinosaurs is obtained by paleontologists through the study of fossils, which have survived in the form of fossilized bones, skin and tissue impressions, and trace fossils, i.e. footprints, eggs, nests, stomach stones or fossilized feces. Dinosaur remains have been found on every continent, including Antarctica, because dinosaurs evolved at a time when the entire mainland was united in the supercontinent Pangaea.In the first half of the 20th century, dinosaurs were considered to be cold-blooded, sluggish, and not very intelligent animals. However, numerous studies since the 1970s have shown that they were active animals with increased metabolic rates and adaptations that enabled social interactions. Product Number: CS00801Product Name: babydino-sketch1 Design5 FilesThe following formats are included in the file you will receive: .AI .SVG .DXF .EPS .PNGBaby Dino Sketch Cutting File, Hand-Drawn Dinosauria SVG Design, Baby CAD File, Dinosaur SVG File For Cricut, Lizard Arts And Crafts, Reptiles Laser Cut FIles, Zoology Vinyl Cutter Images, Cricut File Format, Cuttable Designs, SVG Shirts Design, Silhouette Files, Vector Graphics, Clip Art
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Sea Unicorn
The unicorn (Latin unicornis, ancient Greek monókeros) is a mythical creature of horse or goat shape with a straight horn on the middle of the forehead. It became known in the Middle Ages especially through the Physiologus, is considered the noblest of all fabulous animals and stands as a symbol of good. Probably the oldest depiction of a unicorn in Christian art is found in an antiphonal from the 12th century in the monastery of Einsiedeln. The miniature painting shows an Annunciation scene with Mary protecting the unicorn in her womb. In front of her kneels the archangel Gabriel. As here, the unicorn is often depicted in art in connection with virginity. This allegorical motif goes back to the Physiologus. In the Middle Ages, therefore, the unicorn was the sign of the Virgin Mary, and also of Christ himself. In coats of arms, the unicorn is a common figure. The shield of the British national coat of arms is held by a lion and a unicorn, with the unicorn symbolizing Scotland. At the Palio di Siena (horse race in Siena) there is a Contrada (neighborhood community) with the coat of arms of the unicorn (Contrada del Leocorno). Product Number: CS00771Product Name: unicorn-sketch1 Design5 FilesThe following formats are included in the file you will receive: .AI .SVG .DXF .EPS .PNGSea Unicorn Sketch SVG Design, Unicornis CAD File, Mythical Creature SVG File For Cricut, Fabulous Animals, Symbol Of Good, Allegorical Motif, Arts And Crafts, Horse Laser Cut FIles, Vinyl Cutter Images, Cricut File Format, Cuttable Designs, SVG Shirts Design, Silhouette Files, Vector Graphics, Clip Art Images, Beautiful Designs For Cutting Machines
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Cute Baby Unicorn
The unicorn (Latin unicornis, ancient Greek monókeros) is a mythical creature of horse or goat shape with a straight horn on the middle of the forehead. It became known in the Middle Ages especially through the Physiologus, is considered the noblest of all fabulous animals and stands as a symbol of good. Probably the oldest depiction of a unicorn in Christian art is found in an antiphonal from the 12th century in the monastery of Einsiedeln. The miniature painting shows an Annunciation scene with Mary protecting the unicorn in her womb. In front of her kneels the archangel Gabriel. As here, the unicorn is often depicted in art in connection with virginity. This allegorical motif goes back to the Physiologus. In the Middle Ages, therefore, the unicorn was the sign of the Virgin Mary, and also of Christ himself. In coats of arms, the unicorn is a common figure. The shield of the British national coat of arms is held by a lion and a unicorn, with the unicorn symbolizing Scotland. At the Palio di Siena (horse race in Siena) there is a Contrada (neighborhood community) with the coat of arms of the unicorn (Contrada del Leocorno). Product Number: CS00777Product Name: baby-unicorn1 Design5 FilesThe following formats are included in the file you will receive: .AI .SVG .DXF .EPS .PNGCute Baby Unicorn SVG Design, Unicornis CAD File, Mythical Creature SVG File For Cricut, Fabulous Animals, Symbol Of Good, Allegorical Motif, Arts And Crafts, Horse Laser Cut FIles, Vinyl Cutter Images, Cricut File Format, Cuttable Designs, SVG Shirts Design, Silhouette Files, Vector Graphics, Clip Art Images, Beautiful Designs For Cutting Machines
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Dog With A Bow Tie Hat Sketch Art
A sketch is a quickly executed freehand drawing that is not usually intended to be a finished work. A sketch can serve several purposes: It can capture something the artist sees, it can capture or develop an idea for later use, or it can serve as a quick way to graphically represent an image, idea, or principle.The domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is a domestic animal and is kept as a pet and farm animal. Its wild ancestral form is the wolf, to which it is assigned as a subspecies. When domestication occurred is disputed; scientific estimates vary from about 15,000 BCE to 100,000 years ago. In a narrower sense, a domestic dog is one that is kept predominantly indoors, and thus denotes a type of husbandry. Historically, a dog kept to guard the house was called a domestic dog. Another use of the term is to restrict it to socialized (domestic) dogs, that is, dogs that are accustomed to and adapted to living with people in human society. This differentiates the domestic dog from wild, feral, or stray dogs, which are also domesticated but not socialized. The dingo is also a domestic dog, but is provisionally listed as an independent subspecies of the wolf. The common Germanic. Pet name *hunða- (mhd., ahd. hunt) goes back to idg. k̑úu̯ō(n), gen. k̑unós "dog" and is thus related to synonymous Latin canis.Product Number: CS00754Product Name: FunnyDog-51 Design5 FilesThe following formats are included in the file you will receive: .AI .SVG .DXF .EPS .PNGDog With A Bow Tie And Hat Sketch Art SVG Design, Hipster Dogs CAD File, Fashion Dogs Animals SVG File For Cricut, Farm Animals Arts And Crafts, Canis Lupus Familiaris, Puppy Laser Cut FIles, Pets Vinyl Cutter Images, Cricut File Format, Cuttable Designs, SVG Shirts Design, Silhouette Files, Vector Graphics, Clip Art
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Little Princess With Butterflies
Prince and princess were the German language terms for non-ruling descendants of certain families (houses) of the high nobility. In Germany, princes and princesses were either descendants of royal houses or members of such ruling or sovereign houses that already held the title of prince at the time of the Holy Roman Empire or rose to princely houses after 1806 (see also differences: gender, house, family). If the latter were mediatized, princely houses, their descendants usually held the title of count or countess. The first-born prince was called hereditary prince, in ruling imperial and royal houses crown prince (compare primogeniture). Old France granted the title of prince to the highest nobility without distinction, but placed at its head the "princes by blood" (princes de sang royal) or the agnates of the royal house. The wife of the prince, according to her status, received the title of "princess" upon marriage and was treated accordingly to her husband in the event of inheritance. For presumptive heirs to the throne there were special titles according to their importance: Crown Prince, Hereditary Prince, Elector Prince. In addition, princes could fulfill special functions or hold a special status: Prince Regent, Prince Consort. The designation prince or princess is in the German language area - if at all permissible (differently in Austria) - no more nobility title, but name component.Product Number: CS00639Product Name: LittlePrincess1 Design5 FilesThe following formats are included in the file you will receive: .AI .SVG .DXF .EPS .PNGLittle Princess With Butterflies, Princess SVG Design, CAD File, Prince SVG File For Cricut, Arts And Crafts, Crown Laser Cut FIles, Vinyl Cutter Images, Cricut File Format, Cuttable Designs, SVG Shirts Design, Silhouette Files, Vector Graphics, Clip Art
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Tribute To Fictional Character Minch Yoda aka Yoda (Xmas)
Tribute to fictional character Minch Yoda aka Yoda (* 896 VSY; † 4 NSY on Dagobah) belonged to an unknown species, was 66 cm tall and was 900 years old at the end of his life. He had trained numerous students in the use of the Force over 800 years as a Jedi (Grand) Master, including Luke Skywalker and Count Dooku, among others, and was a master in the use of the lightsaber. He also had a strong connection to the Force, surpassed only by Anakin Skywalker. With Mace Windu, he was the head of the Jedi Council and one of the wisest and most powerful Jedi Masters of all time. When Emperor Palpatine sought to take control of the Galactic Republic, the corrupted Anakin Skywalker destroyed the Jedi Order on his behalf.Tribute to fictional character Minch Yoda aka Yoda he only, Anakin's master Obi-Wan Kenobi and several other Jedi survived. He was defeated in his attempt to kill the Emperor and retreated into exile.While Kenobi hid on Tatooine, he retreated to Dagobah. Years later, Luke Skywalker went to the planet on the orders of the Force's Obi-Wan Kenobi and began training with him to become a Jedi Knight. When Luke visited Dagobah for the last time, he died of old age at exactly 900 years old. As a result, he, like Obi-Wan before him, became one with the Force and later appeared as an apparition of the Force along with Anakin Skywalker, converted by his son Luke, and Obi-Wan Kenobi.Thirty years later, his spirit appeared to Luke Skywalker again, in his exile on Ahch-To. He reassured Skywalker that failure was an essential part of every Jedi, and was thus instrumental in convincing Luke to support the Resistance.Tribute to fictional character Minch Yoda aka Yoda was controlled as a puppet by Frank Oz and voiced in the original English; he stands out especially for his idiosyncratic grammar, the most striking feature of which is the word order often in the object-subject-verb form (example: "Much to learn you still have."). The original design for the character was by Stuart Freeborn. During the filming of The Empire Strikes Back, makeup artist Nick Maley was most notably involved in the creation of the character.Product Number: CS00664Product Name: SantaYoda1 Design5 FilesThe following formats are included in the file you will receive: .AI .SVG .DXF .EPS .PNGTribute To Fictional Character Minch Yoda aka Yoda Jedi Master SVG Design, Christmas CAD File, Santa Claus SVG File For Cricut, Arts And Crafts, Laser Cut FIles, Vinyl Cutter Images, Cricut File Format, Cuttable Designs, SVG Shirts Design, Silhouette Files, Vector Graphics, Clip Art
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Let It Snow Dwarf
Dwarves is a collective name for human-shaped, small-sized mythical creatures of folklore, who usually live underground in caves or in the mountains. They have their origin in the Nordic mythology. Dwarves are often said to have superhuman strength and power. They are considered cunning and magical, sometimes cunning, miserly and treacherous, but mostly helpful, and especially in later times, in fairy tales and legends, they are depicted as bearded males with pointed hats. They appear above all as skillful blacksmiths, whereby the term "blacksmith" originally meant a craftsman who knew how to handle both wood and metals, generally an artisan, in a figurative sense an artist, creator. In times of low division of labor, blacksmiths often mined and smelted the required ores themselves. Thus, the dwarves were also considered to be capable miners and metallurgists. Later, they also practiced all kinds of agricultural and domestic activities and worked in "bourgeois" trades, such as tailors, bakers and shoemakers. Unlike goblins, who are single individuals tied to a particular house, place, or family, dwarves live in the company of their own kind, much like humans: In archaic times they lived in clans under leaders (e.g., Dvalin's band), in the Middle Ages they had kings (e.g., Laurin), and later they also lived in cities (e.g., the Heinzelmännchen in Cologne).To this day, the collection of folk tales by the Brothers Grimm and the dwarf motifs depicted in them are influential worldwide. No less influential are the resulting receptions from the 20th century, such as Walt Disney's animated film adaptation of the Grimm fairy tale Snow White. Likewise, dwarves are found in modern fantasy literature, here unmistakably influenced by the conception of dwarves in J. R. R. Tolkien's works, especially in The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.Product Number: CS00655Product Name: LetItSnowGnome1 Design5 FilesThe following formats are included in the file you will receive: .AI .SVG .DXF .EPS .PNGGnome CAD File, Christmas SVG Design, Let It Snow CAD File, Saying SVG File For Cricut, Winter Design, Snowflakes Clip Art, Arts And Crafts, Laser Cut FIles, Vinyl Cutter Images, Cricut File Format, Cuttable Designs, SVG Shirts Design, Silhouette Files, Vector Graphics, Clip Art
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Tribute To Fictional Character Grogu aka Baby Yoda (Santa Claus)
Santa Claus is a symbolic figure of Christmas gift-giving that is popular in Germany, especially in northern, central and eastern Germany, and in the rest of the world, especially in Protestant regions such as French-speaking western Switzerland (Père Noël), the Netherlands, Scandinavia, Estonia, Latvia, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and the United States. He is depicted as a roundish, friendly old man with a long white beard, red robe trimmed with white fur; attributes are his gift bag and (in former times also) a rod. Contemporary postcards prove that this depiction already existed in the 19th century. The Coca-Cola Company used this depiction for its own advertising campaigns every year at Christmas time, starting in 1931.Tribute to fictional character Grogu aka Baby Yoda (unofficially: "Baby Yoda") was a Force-sensitive being of an unknown species. He grew up in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and was trained in the Jedi teachings there for years. Shortly before the end of the Clone Wars, he was taken to safety from Order 66.After the fall of the Galactic Empire, the roughly 50-year-old tribute to fictional character Grogu aka Baby Yoda became a target of the remnant Imperials. The Imperials placed a large bounty on his head.The bounty hunter Din Djarin found him and delivered him to the Empire for the time being, where he had to undergo several medical examinations. Din Djarin got a guilty conscience and freed the little one from the clutches of the Empire. From then on, he constantly accompanied the bounty hunter on his journeys across the galaxy. In many situations, the little one was able to avert danger through the Force.Former Jedi Knight Ahsoka Tano refused to instruct the little one, fearing he would fall to the dark side due to his now close bond with Djarin. On the planet Tython - an ancient Jedi site - Din Djarin placed him on the "Seeing Stone," from which he began an intense meditation to reach out to surviving Jedi anywhere in the galaxy. Because Din Djarin was involved in a battle against stormtroopers alongside Boba Fett and Fennec Shand, the latter could do nothing to prevent the little one from being kidnapped by Imperial dark forces shortly thereafter and taken to Moff Gideon's ship. Shortly after, however, the Mandalorian was able to free him after a duel against Moff Gideon. Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, having heard the little one's cry of the Force on Tython, appeared on the cruiser and, after bidding farewell to Din Djarin, took him with him.Tribute to fictional character Grogu aka Baby Yoda aka Grogu is a being belonging to the same unknown species as Jedi Master Yoda. Therefore, he is unofficially called Baby Yoda by the fans. After the release of the first episode of The Mandalorian, a real hype and meme cult developed around Baby Yoda.Product Number: CS00661Product Name: SantaYoda1 Design5 FilesThe following formats are included in the file you will receive: .AI .SVG .DXF .EPS .PNGTribute To Fictional Character Grogu aka Baby Yoda SVG Design, Santa Claus CAD File, Christmas SVG File For Cricut, Arts And Crafts, Holiday Laser Cut FIles, Vinyl Cutter Images, Cricut File Format, Cuttable Designs, SVG Shirts Design, Silhouette Files, Vector Graphics, Clip Art
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)