Space refers to the space between celestial bodies. The atmospheres of solid and gaseous celestial bodies (such as stars and planets) do not have a fixed boundary upward, but gradually become thinner as the distance to the celestial body increases. Above a certain height, one speaks of the beginning of outer space.
In space there is a high vacuum with low particle density. However, it is not an empty space, but contains gases, cosmic dust and elementary particles (neutrinos, cosmic rays, particles), furthermore electric and magnetic fields, gravitational fields and electromagnetic waves (photons). The almost complete vacuum in space makes it extraordinarily transparent and allows observation of extremely distant objects, such as other galaxies. However, nebulae of interstellar matter can also greatly obstruct the view of objects behind them.
Exploration of outer space is called space exploration. Travel or transportation into or through space is called space travel.
You Are My Sunshine
The quote (Latin citatum "quoted, summoned" to Latin citāre "to set in motion, summon", cf. "to quote someone in court") is a passage taken verbatim or in content from a text or a reference to a specific passage in the text. Content from other media can also be taken over: There are image, music and film quotations. Well-known literal quotations are often used as catchphrases. For example, many passages from the Bible are so firmly anchored in common usage that they are hardly perceived as quotes anymore. In political disputes, too, people speak of quotations when they refer to statements made by others. In journalism, a directly used quotation in literal speech is also referred to as original sound.As a rule, a quotation is substantiated by a source citation or a bibliographical reference by naming its author and the exact text passage. Such a reference is called a citation in library science. Citations can also occur without an associated citation. Citations whose original context is lost and can no longer be reconstructed become fragments. Likewise: An aphorism is an independent single thought, judgment, or life wisdom. It can consist of only one sentence or a few sentences. Often it formulates a particular insight rhetorically as a general saying (aphorism, maxim, aperçu, bon mot). In contrast, excerpts from other texts, such as winged words or pointed quotations are not considered aphorisms by literary scholars. A writer of aphorisms is called an aphorist.Product Number: N08014Product Name: YouAreMySunshineThis design comes with the following sizes:Size: 5.80"(w) X 6.51"(h) (147.4mm X 165.4mm) Size: 6.13"(w) X 6.87"(h) (155.6mm X 174.6mm) Size: 6.22"(w) X 6.97"(h) (158.0mm X 177.0mm) Size: 6.29"(w) X 7.06"(h) (159.8mm X 179.2mm) Size: 6.51"(w) X 7.94"(h) (165.4mm X 201.6mm) Size: 7.23"(w) X 8.10"(h) (183.6mm X 205.8mm) Size: 8.06"(w) X 9.04"(h) (204.8mm X 229.6mm) Size: 8.55"(w) X 10.43"(h) (217.2mm X 264.8mm) Size: 9.03"(w) X 10.13"(h) (229.4mm X 257.2mm) Size: 9.68"(w) X 11.80"(h) (245.8mm X 299.8mm) Size: 9.97"(w) X 12.16"(h) (253.2mm X 308.8mm) Size: 11.29"(w) X 12.65"(h) (286.8mm X 321.4mm)The following formats are included in the file you will receive: .DST .EXP .JEF .PES .VP3 .XXX .PEC .U01You MUST have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file. This listing is for the machine file only - not a finished item.You Are My Sunshine Saying Machine Embroidery Design, Quote Embroidery Pattern, Inspirational Quotes Designs, Life Quotes Embroidery Art, DIY Project Idea, Unique Digital Supplies For Embroidery Machines
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
The Sun is the star closest to Earth and forms the centre of the solar system. It is an average-sized star in the outer third of the Milky Way. The Sun is a dwarf star (yellow dwarf) that is in the evolutionary stage of the main sequence. It contains 99.86% of the mass, but only about 0.5% of the angular momentum of the solar system. Its diameter of 1.4 million kilometres is about 110 times that of the Earth. The surface of the sun shows a varying number of sunspots, which are associated with strong magnetic fields. Among other phenomena, they are called solar activity. Solar radiation is one of the basic requirements for the development and maintenance of life on Earth. The energy released by solar radiation is based on the nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium, the so-called hydrogen burning in the proton-proton reaction. The celestial path of the sun divides the day and the year. It has been worshipped in this role in solar cults since prehistoric times. The astronomical symbol of the sun is ☉. Product Number: N09225Product Name: Abstract-People-XIThis design comes with the following sizes:Size: 4.93"(w) X 3.46"(h) (125.2mm X 87.8mm) Size: 5.09"(w) X 3.57"(h) (129.2mm X 90.6mm) Size: 5.13"(w) X 3.60"(h) (130.2mm X 91.4mm) Size: 5.35"(w) X 3.76"(h) (136.0mm X 95.6mm) Size: 5.43"(w) X 3.82"(h) (138.0mm X 97.0mm) Size: 5.51"(w) X 3.87"(h) (140.0mm X 98.4mm) Size: 5.55"(w) X 3.90"(h) (141.0mm X 99.0mm) Size: 5.71"(w) X 4.01"(h) (145.0mm X 101.8mm) Size: 5.75"(w) X 4.04"(h) (146.0mm X 102.6mm) Size: 5.79"(w) X 4.06"(h) (147.0mm X 103.2mm) Size: 5.87"(w) X 4.12"(h) (149.0mm X 104.6mm) Size: 5.91"(w) X 4.15"(h) (150.0mm X 105.4mm) Size: 5.94"(w) X 4.17"(h) (151.0mm X 106.0mm) Size: 5.98"(w) X 4.20"(h) (152.0mm X 106.8mm) Size: 6.02"(w) X 4.23"(h) (153.0mm X 107.4mm) Size: 6.06"(w) X 4.26"(h) (154.0mm X 108.2mm) Size: 6.10"(w) X 4.28"(h) (155.0mm X 108.8mm) Size: 6.22"(w) X 4.37"(h) (158.0mm X 111.0mm) Size: 6.34"(w) X 4.45"(h) (161.0mm X 113.0mm) Size: 6.38"(w) X 4.47"(h) (162.0mm X 113.6mm) Size: 6.50"(w) X 4.56"(h) (165.0mm X 115.8mm) Size: 6.54"(w) X 4.58"(h) (166.0mm X 116.4mm) Size: 6.61"(w) X 4.65"(h) (168.0mm X 118.0mm) Size: 6.77"(w) X 4.76"(h) (172.0mm X 120.8mm) Size: 6.85"(w) X 4.81"(h) (174.0mm X 122.2mm) Size: 6.92"(w) X 4.86"(h) (175.8mm X 123.4mm) Size: 6.96"(w) X 4.89"(h) (176.8mm X 124.2mm) Size: 7.04"(w) X 4.94"(h) (178.8mm X 125.4mm) Size: 7.20"(w) X 5.06"(h) (182.8mm X 128.4mm) Size: 7.31"(w) X 5.13"(h) (185.8mm X 130.4mm) Size: 7.35"(w) X 5.17"(h) (186.8mm X 131.2mm) Size: 7.63"(w) X 5.35"(h) (193.8mm X 136.0mm) Size: 7.67"(w) X 5.39"(h) (194.8mm X 136.8mm) Size: 7.71"(w) X 5.41"(h) (195.8mm X 137.4mm) Size: 7.83"(w) X 5.50"(h) (198.8mm X 139.6mm) Size: 8.02"(w) X 5.63"(h) (203.6mm X 143.0mm) Size: 8.41"(w) X 5.91"(h) (213.6mm X 150.0mm) Size: 8.57"(w) X 6.02"(h) (217.6mm X 152.8mm) Size: 8.65"(w) X 6.07"(h) (219.6mm X 154.2mm) Size: 9.24"(w) X 6.49"(h) (234.6mm X 164.8mm) Size: 9.28"(w) X 6.51"(h) (235.6mm X 165.4mm) Size: 9.35"(w) X 6.57"(h) (237.6mm X 166.8mm) Size: 10.17"(w) X 7.15"(h) (258.4mm X 181.6mm) Size: 10.41"(w) X 7.31"(h) (264.4mm X 185.6mm) Size: 13.15"(w) X 9.24"(h) (334.0mm X 234.6mm) Size: 13.35"(w) X 9.38"(h) (339.0mm X 238.2mm) The following formats are included in the file you will receive: .DST .EXP .JEF .PES .VP3 .XXX .PEC .U01You MUST have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file. This listing is for the machine file only - not a finished item.Sun Machine Embroidery Design, Tribal Sun Sign Embroidery Pattern, Embroidery Art, DIY Project Idea, Original Digital Supplies For Embroidery Machines, Artsupplies For Handmade Embroidery Projects, Quality Embroidery Digitizing
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Cloud Saying
A cloud is a collection of very fine water droplets (fog) or ice crystals in the atmosphere. Clouds are visible because light is scattered due to Mie scattering, which causes the Tyndall effect to occur and the droplets, which are actually colorless, become visible. Product Number: E00486Product Name: CloudThis design comes with the following sizes:Size: 5.28"(w) X 1.13"(h) (134.2 X 28.6mm) Size: 5.87"(w) X 1.24"(h) (149.0 X 31.6mm) Size: 6.52"(w) X 1.39"(h) (165.6 X 35.2mm) Size: 7.24"(w) X 1.54"(h) (184.0 X 39.0mm) Size: 8.05"(w) X 1.71"(h) (204.4 X 43.4mm) Size: 8.94"(w) X 1.90"(h) (227.0 X 48.2mm) Size: 11.03"(w) X 2.34"(h) (280.2 X 59.4mm) Size: 9.93"(w) X 2.10"(h) (252.2 X 53.4mm)The following formats are included in the file you will receive: .DST .EXP .JEF .PES .VP3 .XXX .VIP .HUSYou MUST have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file. This listing is for the machine file only - not a finished item.Cloud Saying Machine Embroidery Design, Children Embroidery Pattern, Embroidery Art, DIY Project Ideas, Beautiful Digital Supplies For Embroidery Machines
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Shooting Star
A star (ancient Greek ἀστήρ, ἄστρον astēr, astron and Latin aster, astrum, stella, sidus for 'star, star'; ahd. sterno; astronomical symbol: ✱) is a massive, self-luminous celestial body made of very hot gas and plasma, such as the sun. In addition, a planet in our solar system that is illuminated by the sun is commonly called a star, such as the evening star, although it is not a star like the sun. A star like the sun emits not only light but also radiation in the extreme ultraviolet range (false color representation of the sun's emission at 30 nm).That almost all self-luminous celestial bodies visible to the naked eye are Sun-like objects that appear point-like only because of their far distance is one of the most important findings of modern astronomy. About three-quarters of stars are part of a binary or multiple star system, and many have a planetary system. Stars formed together more often form star clusters. Under favorable conditions, several thousand stars can be distinguished by unaided vision. They all belong to the same galaxy as the Sun, to the Milky Way, which consists of more than a hundred billion stars. This galaxy belongs together with its neighboring galaxies to the Local Group, one of thousands and thousands of galaxy clusters. Stars are formed from gas clouds - in certain regions (H-II region) from gaseous molecular clouds - by local strong compression in several phases. They are held together by the gravity of their own mass and are therefore approximately spherical. While a star's interior is several million degrees hot (in the case of the Sun's core just under 16,000,000 Kelvin), the surface temperature of most of them is about between 2,000 K and 20,000 K (in the case of the Sun's photosphere just under 6,000 K); white dwarfs, as exposed stellar cores, can reach temperatures of up to 100,000 K at their surface. Not only does intense radiation such as light emanate from the glowing stellar surface, but also a stream of charged plasma particles (stellar wind) travels far into space, forming an astrosphere.Stars can differ considerably in mass and volume, as well as in luminosity and color; in the course of a star's evolution these properties change. An orienting classification of stars becomes possible with the two characteristics absolute brightness and spectral type alone. The properties of stars are also of importance in the question whether a planet orbiting them could carry life or not (see habitable zone). Product Number: E00095Product Name: StarThis design comes with the following sizes:Size: 3.61"(w) X 2.54"(h) (91.7 X 64.6mm) Size: 4.71"(w) X 3.31"(h) (119.6 X 84.2mm) Size: 5.81"(w) X 4.08"(h) (147.5 X 103.6mm) The following formats are included in the file you will receive: .DST .EXP .JEF .PES .VP3 .XXX .VIP .HUSYou MUST have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file. This listing is for the machine file only - not a finished item.Shooting Star Machine Embroidery Design, Solar System Embroidery Pattern, Stella Designs, Astonomical Embroidery Art, Galaxy DIY Project Idea, Unique Digital Supplies For Embroidery Machines
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Happy Baby Star
A star (ancient Greek ἀστήρ, ἄστρον astēr, astron and Latin aster, astrum, stella, sidus for 'star, star'; ahd. sterno; astronomical symbol: ✱) is a massive, self-luminous celestial body made of very hot gas and plasma, such as the sun. In addition, a planet in our solar system that is illuminated by the sun is commonly called a star, such as the evening star, although it is not a star like the sun. A star like the sun emits not only light but also radiation in the extreme ultraviolet range (false color representation of the sun's emission at 30 nm).That almost all self-luminous celestial bodies visible to the naked eye are Sun-like objects that appear point-like only because of their far distance is one of the most important findings of modern astronomy. About three-quarters of stars are part of a binary or multiple star system, and many have a planetary system. Stars formed together more often form star clusters. Under favorable conditions, several thousand stars can be distinguished by unaided vision. They all belong to the same galaxy as the Sun, to the Milky Way, which consists of more than a hundred billion stars. This galaxy belongs together with its neighboring galaxies to the Local Group, one of thousands and thousands of galaxy clusters. Stars are formed from gas clouds - in certain regions (H-II region) from gaseous molecular clouds - by local strong compression in several phases. They are held together by the gravity of their own mass and are therefore approximately spherical. While a star's interior is several million degrees hot (in the case of the Sun's core just under 16,000,000 Kelvin), the surface temperature of most of them is about between 2,000 K and 20,000 K (in the case of the Sun's photosphere just under 6,000 K); white dwarfs, as exposed stellar cores, can reach temperatures of up to 100,000 K at their surface. Not only does intense radiation such as light emanate from the glowing stellar surface, but also a stream of charged plasma particles (stellar wind) travels far into space, forming an astrosphere.Stars can differ considerably in mass and volume, as well as in luminosity and color; in the course of a star's evolution these properties change. An orienting classification of stars becomes possible with the two characteristics absolute brightness and spectral type alone. The properties of stars are also of importance in the question whether a planet orbiting them could carry life or not (see habitable zone). Product Number: N11028Product Name: baby-birthday-starThis design comes with the following sizes:Size: 3.80"(w) X 3.39"(h) (96.6mm X 86.2mm) Size: 3.85"(w) X 3.43"(h) (97.8mm X 87.0mm) Size: 4.16"(w) X 3.70"(h) (105.6mm X 94.0mm) Size: 4.24"(w) X 3.77"(h) (107.8mm X 95.8mm) Size: 4.31"(w) X 3.85"(h) (109.6mm X 97.8mm) Size: 4.44"(w) X 3.95"(h) (112.8mm X 100.4mm) Size: 4.48"(w) X 3.99"(h) (113.8mm X 101.4mm) Size: 4.55"(w) X 4.06"(h) (115.6mm X 103.0mm) Size: 4.60"(w) X 4.09"(h) (116.8mm X 104.0mm) Size: 4.64"(w) X 4.13"(h) (117.8mm X 104.8mm) Size: 4.68"(w) X 4.17"(h) (118.8mm X 105.8mm) Size: 4.72"(w) X 4.20"(h) (119.8mm X 106.6mm) Size: 4.76"(w) X 4.23"(h) (120.8mm X 107.4mm) Size: 4.79"(w) X 4.27"(h) (121.6mm X 108.4mm) Size: 4.87"(w) X 4.34"(h) (123.6mm X 110.2mm) Size: 4.91"(w) X 4.38"(h) (124.8mm X 111.2mm) Size: 4.95"(w) X 4.41"(h) (125.8mm X 112.0mm) Size: 5.03"(w) X 4.48"(h) (127.8mm X 113.8mm) Size: 5.06"(w) X 4.51"(h) (128.6mm X 114.6mm) Size: 5.11"(w) X 4.55"(h) (129.8mm X 115.6mm) Size: 5.18"(w) X 4.62"(h) (131.6mm X 117.4mm) Size: 5.27"(w) X 4.69"(h) (133.8mm X 119.2mm) Size: 5.42"(w) X 4.83"(h) (137.6mm X 122.8mm) Size: 5.46"(w) X 4.87"(h) (138.6mm X 123.6mm) Size: 5.50"(w) X 4.91"(h) (139.8mm X 124.6mm) Size: 5.54"(w) X 4.94"(h) (140.8mm X 125.4mm) Size: 5.58"(w) X 4.97"(h) (141.8mm X 126.2mm) Size: 5.78"(w) X 5.15"(h) (146.8mm X 130.8mm) Size: 5.82"(w) X 5.19"(h) (147.8mm X 131.8mm) Size: 5.84"(w) X 5.22"(h) (148.4mm X 132.6mm) Size: 5.90"(w) X 5.26"(h) (149.8mm X 133.6mm) Size: 6.17"(w) X 5.49"(h) (156.8mm X 139.4mm) Size: 6.21"(w) X 5.53"(h) (157.8mm X 140.4mm) Size: 6.37"(w) X 5.67"(h) (161.8mm X 144.0mm) Size: 6.45"(w) X 5.74"(h) (163.8mm X 145.8mm) Size: 6.49"(w) X 5.78"(h) (164.8mm X 146.8mm) Size: 6.56"(w) X 5.83"(h) (166.6mm X 148.2mm) Size: 6.61"(w) X 5.87"(h) (167.8mm X 149.0mm) Size: 6.71"(w) X 5.98"(h) (170.4mm X 151.8mm) Size: 6.80"(w) X 6.05"(h) (172.8mm X 153.6mm) Size: 6.84"(w) X 6.09"(h) (173.8mm X 154.6mm) Size: 6.95"(w) X 6.19"(h) (176.6mm X 157.2mm) Size: 7.08"(w) X 6.29"(h) (179.8mm X 159.8mm) Size: 7.19"(w) X 6.39"(h) (182.6mm X 162.4mm) Size: 7.24"(w) X 6.43"(h) (183.8mm X 163.4mm) Size: 7.39"(w) X 6.57"(h) (187.6mm X 167.0mm) Size: 7.55"(w) X 6.72"(h) (191.8mm X 170.6mm) Size: 7.86"(w) X 7.00"(h) (199.6mm X 177.8mm) Size: 7.98"(w) X 7.10"(h) (202.8mm X 180.4mm) Size: 8.10"(w) X 7.20"(h) (205.8mm X 183.0mm) Size: 8.14"(w) X 7.24"(h) (206.8mm X 184.0mm) Size: 8.22"(w) X 7.31"(h) (208.8mm X 185.8mm)Size: 8.30"(w) X 7.39"(h) (210.8mm X 187.6mm) Size: 8.85"(w) X 7.88"(h) (224.8mm X 200.2mm) Size: 9.28"(w) X 8.26"(h) (235.8mm X 209.8mm) Size: 9.32"(w) X 8.30"(h) (236.8mm X 210.8mm) Size: 9.83"(w) X 8.76"(h) (249.8mm X 222.4mm) Size: 10.35"(w) X 9.22"(h) (262.8mm X 234.2mm) Size: 10.46"(w) X 9.33"(h) (265.6mm X 237.0mm) Size: 12.75"(w) X 11.36"(h) (323.8mm X 288.6mm) Size: 12.98"(w) X 11.58"(h) (329.8mm X 294.2mm) Size: 13.77"(w) X 12.28"(h) (349.8mm X 311.8mm) Size: 14.17"(w) X 12.63"(h) (359.8mm X 320.8mm)The following formats are included in the file you will receive: .DST .EXP .JEF .PES .VP3 .XXX .PEC .U01You MUST have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file. This listing is for the machine file only - not a finished item.Happy Baby Star Machine Embroidery Design, Solar System Embroidery Pattern, Stella Designs, Astonomical Embroidery Art, Galaxy DIY Project Idea, Unique Digital Supplies For Embroidery Machines
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Space Planet Saturn
Saturn is the sixth planet as seen from the Sun and the second largest planet in our solar system. It is a gas giant with an average radius about nine times that of Earth. Product Number: N03185Product Name: SaturnThis design comes with the following sizes:Size: 3.86"(w) X 1.48"(h) (98.0 X 37.6mm) Size: 1.79"(w) X 4.63"(h) (45.4 X 117.7mm) Size: 2.06"(w) X 5.41"(h) (52.4 X 137.3mm) Size: 2.54"(w) X 6.56"(h) (64.6 X 166.5mm)The following formats are included in the file you will receive: .DST .EXP .JEF .PES .VP3 .XXX .VIP .HUSYou MUST have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file. This listing is for the machine file only - not a finished item.Space Planet Saturn Machine Embroidery Design, Space Embroidery Pattern, Embroidery Art, DIY Project Ideas, Beautiful Digital Supplies For Embroidery Machines
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Sleeping Moon Luna
The moon (Latin luna) is the only natural satellite of the earth. Its name is etymologically related to month and refers to the period of its phase change. With a diameter of 3476 km, it is the fifth largest known moon in the solar system and also exceptionally large compared to its central body, Earth (about a quarter of the Earth's diameter). Product Number: N03183Product Name: MoonThis design comes with the following sizes:Size: 1.65"(w) X 1.88"(h) (41.8 X 47.7mm) Size: 2.32"(w) X 2.65"(h) (59.0 X 67.2mm) Size: 2.80"(w) X 3.19"(h) (71.1 X 81.0mm) Size: 3.30"(w) X 3.77"(h) (83.8 X 95.7mm) Size: 3.96"(w) X 4.53"(h) (100.5 X 115.0mm) Size: 4.63"(w) X 5.28"(h) (117.7 X 134.0mm) Size: 5.63"(w) X 6.41"(h) (143.1 X 162.8mm)The following formats are included in the file you will receive: .DST .EXP .JEF .PES .VP3 .XXX .VIP .HUSYou MUST have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file. This listing is for the machine file only - not a finished item.Moon Machine Embroidery Design, Luna Embroidery Pattern, Space Embroidery Art, DIY Project Ideas, Beautiful Digital Supplies For Embroidery Machines
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Made On Earth By Human
A human being is a living being from the genus Homo sapiens. As a highly evolved living being, humans are characterized by their cognitive abilities, social intelligence, linguistic ability, and cultural diversity. Humans also have a complex body structure with various organs and systems that enable the body to survive and function. Humans are able to think, to feel, to learn.Product Number: E00480Product Name: madeofearthThis design comes with the following sizes:Size: 3.54"(w) X 3.24"(h) (89.8 X 82.2mm) Size: 4.36"(w) X 3.99"(h) (110.8 X 101.4mm) Size: 4.85"(w) X 4.43"(h) (123.2 X 112.6mm) Size: 5.39"(w) X 4.93"(h) (136.8 X 125.2mm) Size: 5.98"(w) X 5.47"(h) (152.0 X 139.0mm) Size: 6.65"(w) X 6.08"(h) (168.8 X 154.4mm) Size: 7.54"(w) X 6.90"(h) (191.4 X 175.2mm) Size: 7.39"(w) X 6.76"(h) (187.6 X 171.6mm) Size: 8.28"(w) X 7.58"(h) (210.4 X 192.6mm) Size: 9.11"(w) X 8.34"(h) (231.4 X 211.8mm)The following formats are included in the file you will receive: .DST .EXP .JEF .PES .VP3 .XXX .PEC .U01You MUST have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file. This listing is for the machine file only - not a finished item.Made On Earth By Human Machine Embroidery Design, Saying Embroidery Pattern, Earth Planet Embroidery Art, DIY Project Ideas, Beautiful Digital Supplies For Embroidery Machines
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Moon Baby Love
An infant or baby is a child in the first year of life. After birth, a young human is naturally nourished with mother's milk, through breastfeeding or suckling at the female breast. Similar to the offspring of other mammals, the human infant is competent for this form of feeding through innate reflexes such as the search reflex and the sucking reflex. They also enable the intake of liquid food by sucking on a baby bottle and thus feeding with breast milk substitute when the infant is not breastfed. The human infant, like that of other primates, is a gestational carrier. In the first year of life, there are typical developmental phases, the temporal dispersion of which increases with age. Temporary differences in development are common and can be compensated for. After three to five months, a healthy infant has doubled its birth weight and grown by about 15 centimetres. At the end of the first year of life, the child weighs about ten kilograms, which corresponds to about three times its birth weight, and is about 75 centimetres tall. Product Number: E00544Product Name: Moon This design comes with the following sizes:Size: 4.53"(w) X 3.27"(h) (115.0 X 83.0mm) Size: 5.04"(w) X 3.64"(h) (128.0 X 92.4mm) Size: 5.59"(w) X 4.04"(h) (142.0 X 102.6mm) Size: 6.22"(w) X 4.48"(h) (158.0 X 113.9mm) Size: 6.91"(w) X 4.98"(h) (175.5 X 126.5mm) Size: 7.67"(w) X 5.54"(h) (194.9 X 140.6mm) Size: 8.53"(w) X 6.15"(h) (216.6 X 156.3mm) Size: 9.48"(w) X 6.85"(h) (240.8 X 173.9mm) Size: 10.54"(w) X 7.60"(h) (267.6 X 193.0mm)The following formats are included in the file you will receive: .DST .EXP .JEF .PES .VP3 .XXX .VIP .HUSYou MUST have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file. This listing is for the machine file only - not a finished item.Moon Baby Machine Embroidery Design, I Love You Saying Infant Embroidery Pattern, Stars Baby Designs, Children Embroidery Art, DIY Project Idea, Awesome Digital Supplies For Embroidery Machines
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Stars Dust ✱
A star (ancient Greek ἀστήρ, ἄστρον astēr, astron and Latin aster, astrum, stella, sidus for 'star, star'; ahd. sterno; astronomical symbol: ✱) is a massive, self-luminous celestial body made of very hot gas and plasma, such as the sun. In addition, a planet in our solar system that is illuminated by the sun is commonly called a star, such as the evening star, although it is not a star like the sun. A star like the sun emits not only light but also radiation in the extreme ultraviolet range (false color representation of the sun's emission at 30 nm).That almost all self-luminous celestial bodies visible to the naked eye are Sun-like objects that appear point-like only because of their far distance is one of the most important findings of modern astronomy. About three-quarters of stars are part of a binary or multiple star system, and many have a planetary system. Stars formed together more often form star clusters. Under favorable conditions, several thousand stars can be distinguished by unaided vision. They all belong to the same galaxy as the Sun, to the Milky Way, which consists of more than a hundred billion stars. This galaxy belongs together with its neighboring galaxies to the Local Group, one of thousands and thousands of galaxy clusters. Stars are formed from gas clouds - in certain regions (H-II region) from gaseous molecular clouds - by local strong compression in several phases. They are held together by the gravity of their own mass and are therefore approximately spherical. While a star's interior is several million degrees hot (in the case of the Sun's core just under 16,000,000 Kelvin), the surface temperature of most of them is about between 2,000 K and 20,000 K (in the case of the Sun's photosphere just under 6,000 K); white dwarfs, as exposed stellar cores, can reach temperatures of up to 100,000 K at their surface. Not only does intense radiation such as light emanate from the glowing stellar surface, but also a stream of charged plasma particles (stellar wind) travels far into space, forming an astrosphere.Stars can differ considerably in mass and volume, as well as in luminosity and color; in the course of a star's evolution these properties change. An orienting classification of stars becomes possible with the two characteristics absolute brightness and spectral type alone. The properties of stars are also of importance in the question whether a planet orbiting them could carry life or not (see habitable zone). Product Number: E00237Product Name: Star This design comes with the following sizes:Size: 0.60"(w) X 0.59"(h) (15.3 X 14.9mm) Size: 1.42"(w) X 1.37"(h) (36.0 X 34.9mm) Size: 2.02"(w) X 1.96"(h) (51.2 X 49.9mm)The following formats are included in the file you will receive: .DST .EXP .JEF .PES .VP3 .XXX .VIP .HUSYou MUST have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file. This listing is for the machine file only - not a finished item.Stars Machine Embroidery Design, Solar System Embroidery Pattern, Stella Designs, Astonomical Embroidery Art, Galaxy DIY Project Idea, Unique Digital Supplies For Embroidery Machines
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Star Applique
A star (ancient Greek ἀστήρ, ἄστρον astēr, astron and Latin aster, astrum, stella, sidus for 'star, star'; ahd. sterno; astronomical symbol: ✱) is a massive, self-luminous celestial body made of very hot gas and plasma, such as the sun. In addition, a planet in our solar system that is illuminated by the sun is commonly called a star, such as the evening star, although it is not a star like the sun. A star like the sun emits not only light but also radiation in the extreme ultraviolet range (false color representation of the sun's emission at 30 nm).That almost all self-luminous celestial bodies visible to the naked eye are Sun-like objects that appear point-like only because of their far distance is one of the most important findings of modern astronomy. About three-quarters of stars are part of a binary or multiple star system, and many have a planetary system. Stars formed together more often form star clusters. Under favorable conditions, several thousand stars can be distinguished by unaided vision. They all belong to the same galaxy as the Sun, to the Milky Way, which consists of more than a hundred billion stars. This galaxy belongs together with its neighboring galaxies to the Local Group, one of thousands and thousands of galaxy clusters. Stars are formed from gas clouds - in certain regions (H-II region) from gaseous molecular clouds - by local strong compression in several phases. They are held together by the gravity of their own mass and are therefore approximately spherical. While a star's interior is several million degrees hot (in the case of the Sun's core just under 16,000,000 Kelvin), the surface temperature of most of them is about between 2,000 K and 20,000 K (in the case of the Sun's photosphere just under 6,000 K); white dwarfs, as exposed stellar cores, can reach temperatures of up to 100,000 K at their surface. Not only does intense radiation such as light emanate from the glowing stellar surface, but also a stream of charged plasma particles (stellar wind) travels far into space, forming an astrosphere.Stars can differ considerably in mass and volume, as well as in luminosity and color; in the course of a star's evolution these properties change. An orienting classification of stars becomes possible with the two characteristics absolute brightness and spectral type alone. The properties of stars are also of importance in the question whether a planet orbiting them could carry life or not (see habitable zone). Product Number: E00235Product Name: StarThis design comes with the following sizes:Size: 3.06"(w) X 2.94"(h) (77.6 X 74.6mm) Size: 3.78"(w) X 3.64"(h) (96.1 X 92.4mm) Size: 4.87"(w) X 4.68"(h) (123.7 X 118.9mm) Size: 5.96"(w) X 5.73"(h) (151.4 X 145.5mm)The following formats are included in the file you will receive: .DST .EXP .JEF .PES .VP3 .XXX .VIP .HUSYou MUST have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file. This listing is for the machine file only - not a finished item.Star Applique Machine Embroidery Design, Solar System Embroidery Pattern, Stella Designs, Astonomical Embroidery Art, Galaxy DIY Project Idea, Unique Digital Supplies For Embroidery Machines
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
A star (ancient Greek ἀστήρ, ἄστρον astēr, astron and Latin aster, astrum, stella, sidus for 'star, star'; ahd. sterno; astronomical symbol: ✱) is a massive, self-luminous celestial body made of very hot gas and plasma, such as the sun. In addition, a planet in our solar system that is illuminated by the sun is commonly called a star, such as the evening star, although it is not a star like the sun. A star like the sun emits not only light but also radiation in the extreme ultraviolet range (false color representation of the sun's emission at 30 nm).That almost all self-luminous celestial bodies visible to the naked eye are Sun-like objects that appear point-like only because of their far distance is one of the most important findings of modern astronomy. About three-quarters of stars are part of a binary or multiple star system, and many have a planetary system. Stars formed together more often form star clusters. Under favorable conditions, several thousand stars can be distinguished by unaided vision. They all belong to the same galaxy as the Sun, to the Milky Way, which consists of more than a hundred billion stars. This galaxy belongs together with its neighboring galaxies to the Local Group, one of thousands and thousands of galaxy clusters. Stars are formed from gas clouds - in certain regions (H-II region) from gaseous molecular clouds - by local strong compression in several phases. They are held together by the gravity of their own mass and are therefore approximately spherical. While a star's interior is several million degrees hot (in the case of the Sun's core just under 16,000,000 Kelvin), the surface temperature of most of them is about between 2,000 K and 20,000 K (in the case of the Sun's photosphere just under 6,000 K); white dwarfs, as exposed stellar cores, can reach temperatures of up to 100,000 K at their surface. Not only does intense radiation such as light emanate from the glowing stellar surface, but also a stream of charged plasma particles (stellar wind) travels far into space, forming an astrosphere.Stars can differ considerably in mass and volume, as well as in luminosity and color; in the course of a star's evolution these properties change. An orienting classification of stars becomes possible with the two characteristics absolute brightness and spectral type alone. The properties of stars are also of importance in the question whether a planet orbiting them could carry life or not (see habitable zone). Product Number: N09906Product Name: AStarIsBornThis design comes with the following sizes:Size: 7.46"(w) X 6.24"(h) (189.6mm X 158.6mm) Size: 7.94"(w) X 6.64"(h) (201.8mm X 168.6mm) Size: 8.33"(w) X 6.97"(h) (211.6mm X 177.0mm) Size: 8.61"(w) X 7.20"(h) (218.8mm X 182.8mm) Size: 9.31"(w) X 7.79"(h) (236.6mm X 197.8mm) Size: 9.52"(w) X 7.95"(h) (241.8mm X 202.0mm) Size: 9.83"(w) X 8.22"(h) (249.8mm X 208.8mm) Size: 10.85"(w) X 9.07"(h) (275.6mm X 230.4mm) Size: 11.80"(w) X 9.86"(h) (299.6mm X 250.4mm) Size: 12.39"(w) X 10.35"(h) (314.6mm X 263.0mm)The following formats are included in the file you will receive: .DST .EXP .JEF .PES .VP3 .XXX .PEC .U01You MUST have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file. This listing is for the machine file only - not a finished item.A Star Is Born Saying Machine Embroidery Design, Solar System Embroidery Pattern, Stella Designs, Astonomical Embroidery Art, Galaxy DIY Project Idea, Unique Digital Supplies For Embroidery Machines
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)