Food is composed of various substances and is the basis for metabolism and thus for life. In heterotrophs (mostly animals), food contains energy-rich organic compounds. In autotrophs (mostly plants), we also speak of nutrients - these then do not contain energy-rich organic substances. Components of food for humans, such as bread, meat and sausage products, vegetables, fruit or cereals, are referred to as food.
In animals with a digestive tract, food is usually broken down into its components mechanically (e.g. by chewing) and chemically (e.g. by gastric acid) after it has been absorbed into the body. The energy stored in certain food components is used in energy metabolism to maintain a constant body temperature in warm-blooded animals, for example. Furthermore, the energy from food is used in anabolic metabolism (anabolism or building metabolism) to maintain and build up the body (e.g. growth in children or muscle development in adults).
Water and salts also belong to food, even if they cannot be used directly in energy metabolism. Food includes vitamins, which are essential compounds that cannot be synthesized by some species. The lack of food is called starvation and can lead to the death of a living being.
Sad Mushroom
The fungi form the third major kingdom of eukaryotic organisms along with the animals (Animalia) and the plants (Plantae). Like plants, to which they have long been classified, they are sedentary, but they cannot photosynthesize. Therefore, like animals, they must feed by ingesting organic substances (heterotrophy), but they absorb them in dissolved form from the environment. According to current knowledge, fungi are more closely related to animals than to plants. They include mainly multicellular organisms such as the stander fungi, but also unicellular organisms such as baker's yeast, as well as coenocytic forms with many cell nuclei but without cellular subdivision. The science that deals with fungi is called mycology. Product Number: N08646Product Name: Mushrooms-4This design comes with the following sizes:Size: 5.45"(w) X 5.86"(h) (138.4mm X 148.8mm) Size: 6.40"(w) X 6.88"(h) (162.6mm X 174.8mm) Size: 7.61"(w) X 8.17"(h) (193.2mm X 207.6mm) Size: 7.72"(w) X 8.29"(h) (196.0mm X 210.6mm) Size: 8.23"(w) X 8.84"(h) (209.0mm X 224.6mm) Size: 8.30"(w) X 8.92"(h) (210.8mm X 226.6mm) Size: 8.78"(w) X 9.43"(h) (223.0mm X 239.6mm) Size: 9.07"(w) X 9.75"(h) (230.4mm X 247.6mm) Size: 9.87"(w) X 10.61"(h) (250.8mm X 269.6mm) Size: 10.79"(w) X 11.60"(h) (274.0mm X 294.6mm)The following formats are included in the file you will receive: .DST .EXP .JEF .PES .VP3 .XXX .PEC .U01You MUST have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file. This listing is for the machine file only - not a finished item.Sad Mushroom Machine Embroidery Design, Fungi Embroidery Pattern, Forest Plants Embroidery Art, Nature Design, DIY Project Ideas, Beautiful Digital Supplies For Embroidery Machines
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Mouse With Cheese
The mouse (Mus) is a rodent genus from the group of Old World mice (Murinae). The genus comprises just under 40 species, of which the house mouse is the best known and most widespread. Most of the other species live in Africa and in South and Southeast Asia. Mouse length ranges from 4.5 to 12.5 centimetres, with a tail of 3 to 11 centimetres. The weight, as far as is known, is between 12 and 35 grams. The coat is soft, rough or spiky, depending on the species, its colouration ranges from light grey to various shades of grey and brown to blackish brown on the upper side, the underside is lighter. The tail appears hairless but is covered with fine hairs. The original range apparently included Africa, southern Europe and large parts of southern and south-eastern Asia. In the wake of humans, the house mouse has gained a worldwide distribution and is the only species to also live in America and Australia. Mice occur in a variety of habitats, including forests, savannas, grasslands and rocky areas. However, some species have become so specialised in their role as cultural predators that they are usually found near human dwellings. In addition to the house mouse, this is true for the African dwarf mouse, and to a limited extent also for the rice field mouse and the dunnock. The wild species are predominantly nocturnal, whereas the cultivated species can be active at any time of the day or night. They are mainly ground dwellers, but can climb well and - at least in the case of the house mouse - also swim. Their resting places are crevices in rocks, burrows they have dug themselves or man-made shelters. Mice feed on a variety of plant materials, such as seeds, roots, leaves and stems. Some species also eat insects and other small animals when available. The culture-following species eat any available human food.Product Number: N10455Product Name: Animal-1This design comes with the following sizes:Size: 7.91"(w) X 6.57"(h) (200.8mm X 167.0mm) Size: 8.10"(w) X 6.73"(h) (205.8mm X 171.0mm) Size: 8.26"(w) X 6.87"(h) (209.8mm X 174.4mm) Size: 8.50"(w) X 7.06"(h) (215.8mm X 179.4mm) Size: 8.61"(w) X 7.16"(h) (218.6mm X 181.8mm) Size: 14.17"(w) X 11.78"(h) (359.8mm X 299.2mm)The following formats are included in the file you will receive: .DST .EXP .JEF .PES .VP3 .XXX .PEC .U01You MUST have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file. This listing is for the machine file only - not a finished item.Cheese Mouse Machine Embroidery Design, Mouse Mice Embroidery Pattern, Rodent Genus Designs, Small Animals Embroidery Art, DIY Project Idea, Unique Digital Supplies For Embroidery Machines
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
I Just Want Christmas Saying
Christmas, also called Christmastime called the Feast of Christmas or the Feast of the Holy Christ, is the feast of the birth of Jesus Christ in Christianity. The feast day is December 25, Christmas Day, also known as the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord (Latin: Sollemnitas in nativitate Domini), the celebrations of which begin on the evening before Christmas Eve (also Christmas Eve, Christmas Night, Chrismastime). December 25 is a public holiday in many states. In Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Switzerland and many other countries, December 26 is added as a second Christmas holiday, which is also celebrated as St. Stephen's Day.Christmas is usually celebrated with family or friends and with giving gifts to each other. In German-speaking and some other countries, gifts are usually given in the evening on December 24 and are considered the most prominent part of the Christmas celebration. In English-speaking countries, gifts are usually given on the morning of Christmas Day. The gift-giving ritual refers to mythical gift-bringers such as the Christ Child or Santa Claus, some of whom are also played. Such rites, like the festival as a whole, serve to strengthen family relationships. Many countries associate other customs of their own with Christmas. Attending a church service on Christmas Eve, the night or morning of December 25 is part of the festive tradition for many people.In Western Christianity, Christmas is one of the three main festivals of the church year, along with Easter and Pentecost. As a church holiday, December 25 is documented since 336 in Rome. It is not clear how this date came about.Emperor Aurelian had set December 25, 274, as an empire-wide feast day for the Roman sun god Sol Invictus; early Christians drew parallels between this sun god and "Christ, the true sun" (Christus verus Sol). The custom of giving presents to children at Christmas in the way that is customary today dates back to the Biedermeier period and was initially restricted to upper middle-class circles, because only they had the living room, which was used like a stage, at their disposal, could afford a private Christmas tree, and could choose children's gifts from the increasingly diverse assortment of toys. Product Number: N01076Product Name: I_just_want_to_bake_and_watch_Christmas_MoviesThis design comes with the following sizes:Size: 3.51"(w) X 3.89"(h) (89.1 X 98.7mm)The following formats are included in the file you will receive: .DST .EXP .JEF .PES .VP3 .XXX .VIP .HUSYou MUST have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file. This listing is for the machine file only - not a finished item.I Just Want To Bake And Watch Christmas Movies Saying Machine Embroidery Design, Xmas Embroidery Pattern, Christmas Eve Designs, Holiday Embroidery Art, Feast Of Christmas, DIY Project Idea, Unique Digital Supplies For Embroidery Machines
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Halloween Pumpkin WItch Hat
Halloween (from All Hallows' Eve, the evening before All Saints' Day) designates the folk customs on the evening and night before the Solemnity of All Saints' Day, from October 31 to November 1. This custom was originally prevalent primarily in Catholic Ireland. Irish immigrants to the United States maintained and expanded their customs in memory of their homeland. In the course of the Irish Renaissance after 1830, early folkloristic literature assumed a continuity of Halloween customs since Celtic times and references to pagan and Celtic traditions such as the Samhain festival. Since the 1990s, Halloween customs in their U.S. form have also spread to continental Europe.There are clear regional differences. In the German-speaking countries in particular, local customs such as ghosting turnips or Traulicht were mixed with Halloween, and traditional pumpkin-growing regions such as Styria or the Spreewald quickly adopted Halloween. The origin story of the feast day All Saints' Day goes back to a feast of all the holy martyrs celebrated on May 13, the consecration day of the church Sancta Maria ad martyres in Rome, when Pope Boniface IV consecrated the Pantheon, a temple dedicated to all the Roman gods, to the Virgin Mary and all the holy martyrs in 609 or 610.Pope Gregory III consecrated a chapel in the Basilica of St. Peter to all the saints over a hundred years later, setting the feast day for the city of Rome on November 1; Gregory IV adopted this feast date into the Roman general calendar. The religious anthropologist Sir James Frazer described Halloween in his standard work The Golden Bough (in the 1922 edition) as an "ancient pagan festival of the dead with a thin Christian covering"; in addition to the spring festival Beltane on May 1 (Walpurgis Night), it was the second important festival of the Celts. It is proved since the 8th century, when Christian synods tried to abolish such pagan rites.Product Number: E00412Product Name: pumpkinThis design comes with the following sizes:Size: 2.81"(w) X 4.99"(h) (71.4 X 126.8mm) Size: 3.17"(w) X 3.09"(h) (80.4 X 78.4mm) Size: 3.95"(w) X 3.83"(h) (100.4 X 97.4mm) Size: 4.35"(w) X 4.28"(h) (110.4 X 108.6mm) Size: 4.74"(w) X 4.57"(h) (120.4 X 116.1mm) Size: 5.13"(w) X 4.97"(h) (130.4 X 126.3mm) Size: 5.53"(w) X 5.32"(h) (140.4 X 135.1mm) Size: 5.92"(w) X 6.19"(h) (150.3 X 157.1mm) Size: 6.31"(w) X 6.33"(h) (160.3 X 160.9mm) Size: 6.70"(w) X 6.48"(h) (170.3 X 164.7mm) Size: 7.10"(w) X 6.76"(h) (180.3 X 171.6mm) Size: 7.49"(w) X 7.13"(h) (190.3 X 181.1mm) Size: 7.89"(w) X 7.51"(h) (200.3 X 190.7mm) Size: 8.28"(w) X 7.88"(h) (210.3 X 200.1mm) Size: 8.75"(w) X 8.33"(h) (222.2 X 211.5mm) The following formats are included in the file you will receive: .DST .EXP .JEF .PES .VP3 .XXX .VIP .HUSYou MUST have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file. This listing is for the machine file only - not a finished item.Halloween Pumpkin WIth Witch Hat Machine Embroidery Design, All Hallows Eve Embroidery Pattern, Pagan Rites, All Saints Day, Holidays Embroidery Art, DIY Project Idea, Unique Digital Supplies For Embroidery Machines
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Halloween Pumpkin Witch
Halloween (from All Hallows' Eve, the evening before All Saints' Day) designates the folk customs on the evening and night before the Solemnity of All Saints' Day, from October 31 to November 1. This custom was originally prevalent primarily in Catholic Ireland. Irish immigrants to the United States maintained and expanded their customs in memory of their homeland. In the course of the Irish Renaissance after 1830, early folkloristic literature assumed a continuity of Halloween customs since Celtic times and references to pagan and Celtic traditions such as the Samhain festival. Since the 1990s, Halloween customs in their U.S. form have also spread to continental Europe.There are clear regional differences. In the German-speaking countries in particular, local customs such as ghosting turnips or Traulicht were mixed with Halloween, and traditional pumpkin-growing regions such as Styria or the Spreewald quickly adopted Halloween. The origin story of the feast day All Saints' Day goes back to a feast of all the holy martyrs celebrated on May 13, the consecration day of the church Sancta Maria ad martyres in Rome, when Pope Boniface IV consecrated the Pantheon, a temple dedicated to all the Roman gods, to the Virgin Mary and all the holy martyrs in 609 or 610.Pope Gregory III consecrated a chapel in the Basilica of St. Peter to all the saints over a hundred years later, setting the feast day for the city of Rome on November 1; Gregory IV adopted this feast date into the Roman general calendar. The religious anthropologist Sir James Frazer described Halloween in his standard work The Golden Bough (in the 1922 edition) as an "ancient pagan festival of the dead with a thin Christian covering"; in addition to the spring festival Beltane on May 1 (Walpurgis Night), it was the second important festival of the Celts. It is proved since the 8th century, when Christian synods tried to abolish such pagan rites.Product Number: N03037Product Name: pumpkinThis design comes with the following sizes:Size: 1.50"(w) X 1.94"(h) (38.1 X 49.2mm) Size: 2.24"(w) X 2.91"(h) (56.9 X 73.8mm) Size: 3.00"(w) X 3.88"(h) (76.2 X 98.6mm)Size: 3.56"(w) X 4.67"(h) (90.5 X 118.6mm) Size: 4.19"(w) X 5.44"(h) (106.4 X 138.2mm) Size: 5.23"(w) X 6.80"(h) (132.9 X 172.8mm)The following formats are included in the file you will receive: .DST .EXP .JEF .PES .VP3 .XXX .VIP .HUSYou MUST have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file. This listing is for the machine file only - not a finished item.Halloween Pumpkin Witch Machine Embroidery Design, All Hallows Eve Embroidery Pattern, Pagan Rites, All Saints Day, Holidays Embroidery Art, DIY Project Idea, Unique Digital Supplies For Embroidery Machines
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Cupcake Babyshower
A cupcake is a small cake baked in a cup-sized baking pan with a frosting or cream topping. The name comes from the fact that the batter was originally baked in a cup. Cupcakes are considered the forerunner of the current cupcake trend. Cupcakes are sweeter compared to muffins, are made from sponge dough like muffins, but usually do not contain nuts or the like. They are also topped with frosting after baking. On the outside, you can tell the difference by the topping, because cupcakes usually don't have a cream topping. Today, cupcakes are usually baked in paper-lined muffin tins instead of in a cup. The cupcake is then covered with icing or frosting and decorated with fruit, sugar pearls or similar. There is a wide selection of creams, ranging from cream cheese to a variety of buttercream. The cream topping can be placed on the cupcake with a spatula, spoon or piping bag. Bakeries specializing in cupcakes also offer those decorated to order to suit the occasion. The decoration is usually edible and made of marzipan, fondant or similar.Product Number: N11033Product Name: baby-birthday-cupcakeThis design comes with the following sizes:Size: 2.13"(w) X 2.94"(h) (54.0mm X 74.6mm) Size: 2.30"(w) X 3.17"(h) (58.4mm X 80.6mm) Size: 2.35"(w) X 3.25"(h) (59.8mm X 82.6mm) Size: 2.39"(w) X 3.30"(h) (60.6mm X 83.8mm) Size: 2.41"(w) X 3.34"(h) (61.2mm X 84.8mm) Size: 2.44"(w) X 3.38"(h) (62.0mm X 85.8mm) Size: 2.46"(w) X 3.41"(h) (62.6mm X 86.6mm) Size: 2.58"(w) X 3.57"(h) (65.6mm X 90.6mm) Size: 2.64"(w) X 3.65"(h) (67.0mm X 92.8mm) Size: 2.67"(w) X 3.69"(h) (67.8mm X 93.6mm) Size: 2.69"(w) X 3.72"(h) (68.4mm X 94.6mm) Size: 2.76"(w) X 3.81"(h) (70.0mm X 96.8mm) Size: 2.78"(w) X 3.85"(h) (70.6mm X 97.8mm) Size: 2.87"(w) X 3.97"(h) (72.8mm X 100.8mm) Size: 2.90"(w) X 4.00"(h) (73.6mm X 101.6mm) Size: 3.06"(w) X 4.24"(h) (77.8mm X 107.6mm) Size: 3.09"(w) X 4.28"(h) (78.6mm X 108.6mm) Size: 3.15"(w) X 4.36"(h) (80.0mm X 110.8mm) Size: 3.32"(w) X 4.59"(h) (84.4mm X 116.6mm) Size: 3.41"(w) X 4.71"(h) (86.6mm X 119.6mm) Size: 3.43"(w) X 4.75"(h) (87.2mm X 120.6mm) Size: 3.46"(w) X 4.79"(h) (88.0mm X 121.6mm) Size: 3.50"(w) X 4.83"(h) (88.8mm X 122.8mm) Size: 3.52"(w) X 4.87"(h) (89.4mm X 123.8mm) Size: 3.55"(w) X 4.91"(h) (90.2mm X 124.8mm) Size: 3.57"(w) X 4.94"(h) (90.8mm X 125.6mm) Size: 3.61"(w) X 4.99"(h) (91.6mm X 126.8mm) Size: 3.64"(w) X 5.02"(h) (92.4mm X 127.6mm) Size: 3.69"(w) X 5.10"(h) (93.8mm X 129.6mm) Size: 3.83"(w) X 5.30"(h) (97.4mm X 134.6mm) Size: 3.87"(w) X 5.35"(h) (98.2mm X 135.8mm) Size: 3.94"(w) X 5.46"(h) (100.2mm X 138.6mm) Size: 3.98"(w) X 5.50"(h) (101.0mm X 139.6mm) Size: 4.01"(w) X 5.54"(h) (101.8mm X 140.6mm) Size: 4.03"(w) X 5.57"(h) (102.4mm X 141.6mm) Size: 4.12"(w) X 5.70"(h) (104.6mm X 144.8mm) Size: 4.15"(w) X 5.73"(h) (105.4mm X 145.6mm) Size: 4.24"(w) X 5.86"(h) (107.6mm X 148.8mm) Size: 4.26"(w) X 5.90"(h) (108.2mm X 149.8mm) Size: 4.31"(w) X 5.98"(h) (109.6mm X 151.8mm) Size: 4.38"(w) X 6.06"(h) (111.2mm X 153.8mm) Size: 4.43"(w) X 6.13"(h) (112.6mm X 155.6mm) Size: 4.54"(w) X 6.28"(h) (115.4mm X 159.6mm) Size: 4.57"(w) X 6.32"(h) (116.2mm X 160.6mm) Size: 4.66"(w) X 6.45"(h) (118.4mm X 163.8mm) Size: 4.72"(w) X 6.52"(h) (119.8mm X 165.6mm) Size: 4.83"(w) X 6.69"(h) (122.6mm X 169.8mm) Size: 4.91"(w) X 6.80"(h) (124.8mm X 172.6mm) Size: 5.03"(w) X 6.96"(h) (127.8mm X 176.8mm) Size: 5.06"(w) X 6.99"(h) (128.4mm X 177.6mm) Size: 5.23"(w) X 7.24"(h) (132.8mm X 183.8mm) Size: 5.31"(w) X 7.35"(h) (135.0mm X 186.6mm) Size: 5.37"(w) X 7.43"(h) (136.4mm X 188.8mm) Size: 5.46"(w) X 7.54"(h) (138.6mm X 191.6mm) Size: 5.49"(w) X 7.59"(h) (139.4mm X 192.8mm) Size: 5.54"(w) X 7.67"(h) (140.8mm X 194.8mm) Size: 5.83"(w) X 8.06"(h) (148.0mm X 204.6mm) Size: 6.02"(w) X 8.33"(h) (153.0mm X 211.6mm) Size: 6.17"(w) X 8.53"(h) (156.6mm X 216.6mm) Size: 6.39"(w) X 8.84"(h) (162.4mm X 224.6mm) Size: 6.54"(w) X 9.04"(h) (166.0mm X 229.6mm) Size: 6.60"(w) X 9.13"(h) (167.6mm X 231.8mm) Size: 6.68"(w) X 9.24"(h) (169.6mm X 234.8mm) Size: 6.96"(w) X 9.63"(h) (176.8mm X 244.6mm) Size: 7.05"(w) X 9.76"(h) (179.0mm X 247.8mm) Size: 7.19"(w) X 9.94"(h) (182.6mm X 252.6mm) Size: 7.59"(w) X 10.50"(h) (192.8mm X 266.6mm) Size: 7.76"(w) X 10.74"(h) (197.2mm X 272.8mm) Size: 9.87"(w) X 13.65"(h) (250.6mm X 346.8mm) Size: 10.75"(w) X 14.87"(h) (273.0mm X 377.8mm)The following formats are included in the file you will receive: .DST .EXP .JEF .PES .VP3 .XXX .PEC .U01You MUST have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file. This listing is for the machine file only - not a finished item.Cupcake Babyshower Machine Embroidery Design, Baking Art Embroidery Pattern, Small Cake Embroidery Art, Decorated Baked Sweets DIY Project Idea, Original Digital Supplies For Embroidery Machines, Artsupplies For Handmade Embroidery Projects, Quality Embroidery Digitizing
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Cute Pineapple
The pineapple is a species of plant in the bromeliad family (Bromeliaceae). It is originally native to the Americas and is now cultivated as a fruit plant in tropical areas worldwide. It forms fleshy fruit clusters that can be eaten fresh or processed into preserves and juice. The word pineapple comes from naná 'fruit' in the Guaraní language. The Latin species epithet comosus 'crested' alludes to the leaf crested at the upper end of the fruit set. The club-shaped stem of the pineapple is up to 35 cm long and a small portion is sunken into the ground. At the base it has a diameter of 2 to 3.5 cm, at the thickest point, below the tip, it is 5 to 7 cm. The stem is covered with a dense rosette of leaves, usually about 70 to 80, which are arranged in a spiral (left or right) on the stem. The leaves are narrowly lanceolate, up to 120 cm long and 3 to 7 cm wide. The leaf sheath encloses the stem by about two-thirds. The leaf margins are curved upward so that the leaf cross-section is crescent-shaped. This increases the leaf's resistance to bending. The leaf margin is sharply toothed like a spine. The teeth may also be absent in some varieties. The tip of the leaf is thorny pointed. The roots are adventitious, arising from the lower nodes of the stem. They form a dense root network that penetrates about one meter deep into the soil and extends one to two meters laterally. The roots are usually mycorrhizal. Roots also develop in the above-ground leaf axils, growing to ten centimeters in length, and absorb water and nutrients that accumulate in the leaf rosette. The 30-centimeter-long inflorescence stem develops each year from the stem's vegetative cone. More than 100 individual flowers sit in eight spirals on the cone-shaped inflorescence. At the upper end are deciduous bracts that form a crested head. The pineapple fruit is rich in vitamins (especially vitamin C) and minerals, as well as enzymes (including bromelain or bromelin, invertase).Product Number: N09613Product Name: cute-pineappleThis design comes with the following sizes:Size: 3.45"(w) X 6.41"(h) (87.6mm X 162.8mm) Size: 3.47"(w) X 6.45"(h) (88.2mm X 163.8mm) Size: 3.51"(w) X 6.52"(h) (89.2mm X 165.6mm) Size: 3.51"(w) X 6.56"(h) (89.2mm X 166.6mm) Size: 3.56"(w) X 6.65"(h) (90.4mm X 168.8mm) Size: 3.60"(w) X 6.68"(h) (91.4mm X 169.6mm) Size: 3.65"(w) X 6.80"(h) (92.6mm X 172.8mm) Size: 3.76"(w) X 7.00"(h) (95.6mm X 177.8mm) Size: 3.80"(w) X 7.11"(h) (96.6mm X 180.6mm) Size: 3.87"(w) X 7.20"(h) (98.2mm X 182.8mm) Size: 3.89"(w) X 7.24"(h) (98.8mm X 183.8mm) Size: 3.91"(w) X 7.27"(h) (99.4mm X 184.6mm) Size: 3.91"(w) X 7.31"(h) (99.4mm X 185.6mm) Size: 3.92"(w) X 7.35"(h) (99.6mm X 186.6mm) Size: 4.01"(w) X 7.46"(h) (101.8mm X 189.6mm) Size: 4.11"(w) X 7.66"(h) (104.4mm X 194.6mm) Size: 4.16"(w) X 7.74"(h) (105.6mm X 196.6mm) Size: 4.20"(w) X 7.83"(h) (106.8mm X 198.8mm) Size: 4.20"(w) X 7.87"(h) (106.6mm X 199.8mm) Size: 4.27"(w) X 7.94"(h) (108.4mm X 201.6mm) Size: 4.33"(w) X 8.06"(h) (110.0mm X 204.8mm) Size: 4.33"(w) X 8.09"(h) (110.0mm X 205.6mm) Size: 4.47"(w) X 8.37"(h) (113.6mm X 212.6mm) Size: 4.56"(w) X 8.49"(h) (115.8mm X 215.6mm) Size: 4.60"(w) X 8.61"(h) (116.8mm X 218.8mm) Size: 4.62"(w) X 8.65"(h) (117.4mm X 219.8mm) Size: 4.66"(w) X 8.69"(h) (118.4mm X 220.6mm) Size: 4.74"(w) X 8.89"(h) (120.4mm X 225.8mm) Size: 4.84"(w) X 9.01"(h) (123.0mm X 228.8mm) Size: 4.89"(w) X 9.12"(h) (124.2mm X 231.6mm) Size: 5.06"(w) X 9.44"(h) (128.4mm X 239.8mm) Size: 5.13"(w) X 9.56"(h) (130.4mm X 242.8mm) Size: 5.33"(w) X 9.95"(h) (135.4mm X 252.8mm) Size: 5.37"(w) X 9.99"(h) (136.4mm X 253.8mm) Size: 5.64"(w) X 10.50"(h) (143.2mm X 266.8mm) Size: 5.71"(w) X 10.62"(h) (145.0mm X 269.8mm) Size: 5.76"(w) X 10.74"(h) (146.2mm X 272.8mm) Size: 5.99"(w) X 11.13"(h) (152.2mm X 282.6mm) Size: 6.34"(w) X 11.80"(h) (161.0mm X 299.8mm) Size: 6.40"(w) X 11.92"(h) (162.6mm X 302.8mm) Size: 6.63"(w) X 12.35"(h) (168.4mm X 313.6mm) Size: 7.36"(w) X 13.73"(h) (187.0mm X 348.8mm) Size: 8.07"(w) X 15.07"(h) (205.0mm X 382.8mm) Size: 8.18"(w) X 15.23"(h) (207.8mm X 386.8mm)The following formats are included in the file you will receive: .DST .EXP .JEF .PES .VP3 .XXX .PEC .U01You MUST have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file. This listing is for the machine file only - not a finished item.Cute Pineapple Machine Embroidery Design, Ananas Embroidery Pattern, Tropical Areas Fruits Embroidery Art, Fruits DIY Project Ideas, Beautiful Digital Supplies For Embroidery Machines
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Gingerbread Baked Goods Christmas Season Applique Design
Gingerbread is a broad category of baked goods typically flavoured with spices such as ginger, cloves, nutmeg and cinnamon. Gingerbread is a popular treat, especially during the Christmas season. They are known for their spicy taste and soft, moist texture. Gingerbread is often decorated with icing or chocolate and can be baked in different shapes such as hearts, stars or figures. Christmas, also called Christmastime called the Feast of Christmas or the Feast of the Holy Christ, is the feast of the birth of Jesus Christ in Christianity. The feast day is December 25, Christmas Day, also known as the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord (Latin: Sollemnitas in nativitate Domini), the celebrations of which begin on the evening before Christmas Eve (also Christmas Eve, Christmas Night, Chrismastime). December 25 is a public holiday in many states. In Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Switzerland and many other countries, December 26 is added as a second Christmas holiday, which is also celebrated as St. Stephen's Day.Product Number: E00076Product Name: GingerbreadThis design comes with the following sizes:Size: 3.56"(w) X 3.89"(h) (90.4 X 98.9mm) Size: 4.85"(w) X 5.51"(h) (123.3 X 139.9mm) Size: 5.94"(w) X 6.75"(h) (150.9 X 171.4mm)The following formats are included in the file you will receive: .DST .EXP .JEF .PES .VP3 .XXX .VIP .HUSYou MUST have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file. This listing is for the machine file only - not a finished item.Gingerbread Christmas Season Applique Design Embroidery File, Christmas Machine Embroidery Design, Xmas Embroidery Pattern, Christmas Eve Designs, Holiday Embroidery Art, Feast Of Christmas, DIY Project Idea, Unique Digital Supplies For Embroidery Machines
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Gingerbread Christmas Season
Gingerbread is a broad category of baked goods typically flavoured with spices such as ginger, cloves, nutmeg and cinnamon. Gingerbread is a popular treat, especially during the Christmas season. They are known for their spicy taste and soft, moist texture. Gingerbread is often decorated with icing or chocolate and can be baked in different shapes such as hearts, stars or figures. Christmas, also called Christmastime called the Feast of Christmas or the Feast of the Holy Christ, is the feast of the birth of Jesus Christ in Christianity. The feast day is December 25, Christmas Day, also known as the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord (Latin: Sollemnitas in nativitate Domini), the celebrations of which begin on the evening before Christmas Eve (also Christmas Eve, Christmas Night, Chrismastime). December 25 is a public holiday in many states. In Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Switzerland and many other countries, December 26 is added as a second Christmas holiday, which is also celebrated as St. Stephen's Day.Product Number: E00075Product Name: GingerbreadThis design comes with the following sizes:Size: 3.44"(w) X 3.91"(h) (87.5 X 99.2mm) Size: 4.72"(w) X 5.37"(h) (120.0 X 136.4mm) Size: 5.81"(w) X 6.61"(h) (147.7 X 167.8mm) The following formats are included in the file you will receive: .DST .EXP .JEF .PES .VP3 .XXX .VIP .HUSYou MUST have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file. This listing is for the machine file only - not a finished item.Gingerbread Christmas Season Embroidery File, Christmas Machine Embroidery Design, Xmas Embroidery Pattern, Christmas Eve Designs, Holiday Embroidery Art, Feast Of Christmas, DIY Project Idea, Unique Digital Supplies For Embroidery Machines
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Pineapple Fruit Plant
The pineapple is a species of plant in the bromeliad family (Bromeliaceae). It is originally native to the Americas and is now cultivated as a fruit plant in tropical areas worldwide. It forms fleshy fruit clusters that can be eaten fresh or processed into preserves and juice. The word pineapple comes from naná 'fruit' in the Guaraní language. The Latin species epithet comosus 'crested' alludes to the leaf crested at the upper end of the fruit set. The club-shaped stem of the pineapple is up to 35 cm long and a small portion is sunken into the ground. At the base it has a diameter of 2 to 3.5 cm, at the thickest point, below the tip, it is 5 to 7 cm. The stem is covered with a dense rosette of leaves, usually about 70 to 80, which are arranged in a spiral (left or right) on the stem. The leaves are narrowly lanceolate, up to 120 cm long and 3 to 7 cm wide. The leaf sheath encloses the stem by about two-thirds. The leaf margins are curved upward so that the leaf cross-section is crescent-shaped. This increases the leaf's resistance to bending. The leaf margin is sharply toothed like a spine. The teeth may also be absent in some varieties. The tip of the leaf is thorny pointed. The roots are adventitious, arising from the lower nodes of the stem. They form a dense root network that penetrates about one meter deep into the soil and extends one to two meters laterally. The roots are usually mycorrhizal. Roots also develop in the above-ground leaf axils, growing to ten centimeters in length, and absorb water and nutrients that accumulate in the leaf rosette. The 30-centimeter-long inflorescence stem develops each year from the stem's vegetative cone. More than 100 individual flowers sit in eight spirals on the cone-shaped inflorescence. At the upper end are deciduous bracts that form a crested head. The pineapple fruit is rich in vitamins (especially vitamin C) and minerals, as well as enzymes (including bromelain or bromelin, invertase).Product Number: N03024Product Name: pineappleThis design comes with the following sizes:Size: 0.98"(w) X 1.96"(h) (24.9 X 49.8mm) Size: 1.37"(w) X 2.76"(h) (34.9 X 70.0mm) Size: 1.97"(w) X 3.93"(h) (50.0 X 99.8mm) Size: 2.56"(w) X 5.11"(h) (65.1 X 129.8mm) Size: 3.39"(w) X 6.69"(h) (86.0 X 170.0mm)The following formats are included in the file you will receive: .DST .EXP .JEF .PES .VP3 .XXX .HUS .VIPYou MUST have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file. This listing is for the machine file only - not a finished item.Pineapple Machine Embroidery Design, Ananas Embroidery Pattern, Tropical Areas Fruits Embroidery Art, Fruits DIY Project Ideas, Beautiful Digital Supplies For Embroidery Machines
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Orange You Sweet Saying
A "proverb" is a short, pithy phrase that expresses a general truth or advice. It is similar to a proverb or an aphorism. Proverbs are often used in everyday conversation and can be found in literature, poetry, and songs. Product Number: N09568Product Name: orange-you-sweetThis design comes with the following sizes:Size: 8.81"(w) X 8.54"(h) (223.8mm X 217.0mm) Size: 8.85"(w) X 8.57"(h) (224.8mm X 217.6mm) Size: 9.05"(w) X 8.77"(h) (229.8mm X 222.8mm) Size: 9.44"(w) X 9.16"(h) (239.8mm X 232.6mm) Size: 9.83"(w) X 9.54"(h) (249.8mm X 242.2mm) Size: 10.03"(w) X 9.72"(h) (254.8mm X 247.0mm) Size: 10.35"(w) X 10.02"(h) (262.8mm X 254.6mm) Size: 10.43"(w) X 10.10"(h) (264.8mm X 256.6mm) Size: 10.62"(w) X 10.30"(h) (269.8mm X 261.6mm) Size: 10.86"(w) X 10.51"(h) (275.8mm X 267.0mm) Size: 10.94"(w) X 10.60"(h) (277.8mm X 269.2mm) Size: 11.21"(w) X 10.87"(h) (284.8mm X 276.0mm) Size: 11.33"(w) X 10.98"(h) (287.8mm X 279.0mm) Size: 11.49"(w) X 11.14"(h) (291.8mm X 283.0mm) Size: 11.72"(w) X 11.36"(h) (297.8mm X 288.6mm) Size: 11.80"(w) X 11.44"(h) (299.8mm X 290.6mm) Size: 12.16"(w) X 11.79"(h) (308.8mm X 299.4mm) Size: 12.39"(w) X 12.02"(h) (314.8mm X 305.2mm) Size: 12.59"(w) X 12.20"(h) (319.8mm X 310.0mm) Size: 12.75"(w) X 12.35"(h) (323.8mm X 313.8mm) Size: 12.91"(w) X 12.51"(h) (327.8mm X 317.8mm) Size: 12.98"(w) X 12.58"(h) (329.8mm X 319.6mm) Size: 14.17"(w) X 13.73"(h) (359.8mm X 348.8mm)The following formats are included in the file you will receive: .DST .EXP .JEF .PES .VP3 .XXX .PEC .U01You MUST have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file. This listing is for the machine file only - not a finished item.Orange You Sweet Saying Machine Embroidery Design, Nature Embroidery Pattern, Words Embroidery Art, DIY Project Ideas, Beautiful Digital Supplies For Embroidery Machines
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)
Cherry Hearts
The bird cherry (Prunus avium) is a species of plant in the genus Prunus in the rose family (Rosaceae). The name avium is derived from the Latin word avis for bird and refers to the fruits that birds like to eat. However, humans also like to eat the fruits of the bird cherry, especially those of cultivated forms. From the wild form Wild Bird Cherry (Prunus avium subsp. avium) are derived the cultivated forms Cartilage Cherry (Prunus avium subsp. duracina) and Heart Cherry (Prunus avium subsp. juliana). These cultivated forms are characterized primarily by larger leaves and larger and sweeter fruits and are generally referred to as sweet cherry. The bird cherry is a deciduous tree, reaching growth heights of 15 to 20, rarely up to 30 meters. The bark of young twigs is initially green, glabrous, smooth, leathery, shiny, and later reddish gray in color. It contains broad, rust-colored lenticels and transverse stripes are visible. The blackish bark peels off slowly horizontally and is called "ringlet bark". Probably thanks to this ringlet bark, the wild and cultivated forms have become immune to mistletoe infestation. Its crown is broadly conical. The branches are thick and abundant with short shoots. There is a terminal bud on long shoots. Winter buds are ovate ellipsoid. Wild bird cherry grows in herb-rich mixed deciduous and coniferous forest communities such as oak-hornbeam, beech, maple-linden steep slope, or alder-alder forests. It is a character species of the Carpinion association, where its main focus is located. In other forest communities it usually occurs only admixed. However, due to its strong self-regeneration, the species can form dominantly regular bird cherry forests, which need a long time to transform into terminal oak-beech forests. As a warmth-loving semi-shade plant, the bird cherry can also be found at forest edges, in hedges, on stone ridges, in elderberry, snowball dogwood and sloe bushes, as well as at higher altitudes in the foregrowth communities of red beech forests. The preferred soils are fresh (seepage moist), medium to deep, nutrient- to base-rich loam or gauze soils. In the Alps, the bird cherry reaches altitudes of up to 1700 meters, in the Caucasus up to 2000 meters. Product Number: E00270Product Name: CherryThis design comes with the following sizes:Size: 3.36"(w) X 3.46"(h) (85.3 X 87.9mm) Size: 5.09"(w) X 5.26"(h) (129.4 X 133.7mm) Size: 6.27"(w) X 6.48"(h) (159.3 X 164.6mm)The following formats are included in the file you will receive: .DST .EXP .JEF .PES .VP3 .XXX .VIP .HUSYou MUST have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file. This listing is for the machine file only - not a finished item.Cherry Fruits Hearts Machine Embroidery Design, Embroidery Pattern, Designs, Rosaceae Embroidery Art, DIY Project Idea, Unique Digital Supplies For Embroidery Machines
US$1.10* US$4.40* (75% saved)