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As a rule, a quotation is substantiated by a source citation or a bibliographical reference by naming its author and the exact text passage. Such a reference is called a citation in library science. Citations can also occur without an associated citation. Citations whose original context is lost and can no longer be reconstructed become fragments.
Likewise: An aphorism is an independent single thought, judgment, or life wisdom. It can consist of only one sentence or a few sentences. Often it formulates a particular insight rhetorically as a general saying (aphorism, maxim, aperçu, bon mot). In contrast, excerpts from other texts, such as winged words or pointed quotations are not considered aphorisms by literary scholars. A writer of aphorisms is called an aphorist.
Crossbody bags these are bags with a long strap or belt so that the strap can be worn over one shoulder. There are two carrying variants: In the first variant, the strap runs from one shoulder diagonally across the chest and back, so that the actual bag is worn on the other side of the body or in the area of the diagonal in the chest or back. In the other variation of carrying a shoulder bag, the strap runs vertically parallel to one side of the body, so that the actual bag then usually dangles relatively loosely at about hip level (or higher or lower, depending on the strap length). Sports bags and travel bags are often offered as shoulder bags, but so are handbags and cotton shopping bags. Fanny packs are sometimes worn as shoulder bags instead of fanny packs.
PRODUCT: Made To Order Handmade Item
think for yourself is small phone crossbody bag made of soft velour fabric. The shape is minimalist. The two-tone classic color combination harmonizes with the meaningful saying applicated on the front. The corners are rounded and the bag is lined and padded on the inside. On the front is the saying administered by a elaborate freehand embroidery process. The loose embroidery style emphasizes the originality of this work and makes it a unique piece of textile illustration.
MATERIALS: Velour Fabric, Cotton, PES
DIMENSIONS: Total length: about max. 64 cm / Bag without handle: about 11.5 cm x 18.3 cm
PLEASE NOTE: The pictures shown functions as an example. The item is made to order a unique specimen handmade. Due to the unique handmade nature, slight deviations can occur and are expressions of and signs for the uniqueness of the item and underline the originality.