
Embroidery: Problems with embroidery
Please describe step by step exactly how you proceeded, complete with pictures showing the process. We would like to reproduce this on our machine.
For processing, the above-mentioned and the following details are required in full in order to understand the problem, otherwise proper processing is not possible:
- Which embroidery machine model/brand was used?
- Which exact file in which folder was used?
- What exact file format for example .pes or .dst etc. was used?
- What exact size?
- Which embroidery software brand/version was used?
- How many files in total were on the transfer medium e.g. USB stick?
- Was the embroidery file used modified in any way?
- Snapshot of the error message
- Was an attempt made to save only one embroidery file on the USB stick (in the root directory of the USB stick, i.e. not in a sub-folder) and to use this with the embroidery machine, in an embroidery file format compatible with your machine, with what result?